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recommendation为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2249




mand,mend=to order(命令),to entrust(委托)

近义词, 同义词


/,rekəmen'deɪʃn; ,rɛkəmɛn`deʃən/
1 [U] action of recommending 推许; 推荐; 赞许; 建议; 劝告
*speak in recommendation of sb/sth 口头推荐某人[某事物]
* I bought it on your recommendation, ie because you recommended it. 我是经你推荐买的.
2 [C]
(a) statement, letter, etc that recommends sb/sth, esp a person for a job 推荐; (尤指)推荐信, 求职介绍信
*write, give sb a recommendation 为某人写推荐信、给某人一封介绍信.
(b) course of action, etc that is recommended 建议采取的做法等
*The judge made recommendations to the court. 法官向审判人员提出建议.
* a recommendation that the offer of 5% be rejected 对5%这一出价应予拒绝的建议.
3 quality, etc that makes sb/sth seem attractive 使某人[某事物]显得有可取之处的特质等
*The cheapness of coach travel is its only recommendation. 乘长途汽车唯一可取之处就是旅费便宜.


official advice given to someone, especially about what to do
 We will review the case and make a recommendation to the client.
recommendation for
 recommendations for school reform
recommendation of
 the main recommendations of the report
recommendation that
 We are making no recommendation that children should use Standard English.
recommendation to do sth
 a recommendation to replace the existing system
a suggestion to someone that they should choose a particular thing or person that you think is very good
on sb's recommendation
 Academic staff are appointed on the recommendation of a committee.
[C]alsoletter of recommendation
especially AmE a formal letter or statement saying that someone would be a suitable person to do a job, take a course of study etc
 Try to get letters of recommendation from bosses and colleagues.
1. They bought the car on his recommendation .

2. Personally, my recommendation would be the last choice.

3. Reacting to the announcement, stock market experts Paribas Capital Markets Group issued a "sell" recommendation on Euro Disney stock, saying that attendance levels for the period were 15 percent below its expectations and spending on food a
    对此番话,股票市场行家,帕里巴斯资本市场集团发布了一份"出售" 欧洲迪斯尼股票的建议,指出这一阶段的游客量比预期的低15%,食品及其他商品的消费额比预期的低10%。
