

美音:[´rekə´mend ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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recommend为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1618


名词:recommender 动词过去式:recommended 过去分词:recommended 现在分词:recommending 第三人称单数:recommends 形容词:recommendable


mand,mend=to order(命令),to entrust(委托)

近义词, 同义词


advise  advocate  direct  guide  instruct  suggest  urge    


/,rekə'mend; ,rɛkə`mɛnd/
1 [Tn, Cn.n/a, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sb/sth (to sb) (for sth/as sth) praise sth as suitable for a purpose; praise sb as suitable for a post, etc; speak favourably of sb/sth 推许某事物; 推荐某人; 赞许某人[某事物]
*recommend a car, film, plumber, etc 推荐某汽车、影片、管子工等
* What would you recommend for removing ink stains? 你看用什么方法可除去墨迹?
* She was strongly recommended for the post. 她获大力推荐担任这个职务.
* I can recommend him as an extremely good accountant. 我推荐他一定能当个极好的会计.
* Can you recommend me a good novel? 你给我介绍一本好的小说行吗?
2 [Tn, Tf, Tw, Tg, Tsg, Dn.t, Dpr.f] suggest (a course of action, treatment, etc); advise 建议(采取某种做法、对策等); 劝告
*I'd recommend extreme caution. 我奉劝多加小心.
* I recommend that you resign. 我建议你辞职.
* I'm not the person to recommend how the job should be done. 我不是能为做此事出主意的人.
* I recommended (you) meeting him first. 我建议(你)先见见他.
* I wouldn't recommend you to go there alone. 我劝你不要孤身一人到那里去.
3 [Tn, Dn.pr] ~ sb/sth (to sb) (of a quality, etc) make sb/sth seem attractive (指特质等)使某人[某事物]显得可取
*a plan with nothing, little, something, much, etc to recommend it 毫无、没有什么、有某种、有许多...可取之处的计画
* His integrity recommended him to his employers. 他很正直, 雇主对他都有好感.


v [T]
to advise someone to do something, especially because you have special knowledge of a situation or subject
recommend (that)
 I recommend that you get some professional advice.
 Doctors strongly recommend that fathers should be present at their baby's birth.
recommend doing sth
 I would never recommend using a sunbed on a regular basis.
 Sleeping tablets are not recommended in this case.
 It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose .
to say that something or someone is good, or suggest them for a particular purpose or job
 I recommend the butter chicken - it's delicious.
 Can you recommend a good lawyer?
recommend sth to sb
 I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in chemistry.
recommend sth for sth/sb
 Which type of oil do you recommend for my car?
recommend sb for sth
 I have decided to recommend you for the directorship.
highly/thoroughly recommend
 The hotel is highly recommended.
sth has much/little/nothing to recommend it
used to say that something has many, few, or no good qualities
 The town itself has little to recommend it.
!! You do not say 'recommend someone something' : What wine do you recommend (NOT recommend us)?
You can recommend something to someone : I bought this album after a friend recommended it to me.
You can recommend that someone do something or recommend doing something : I recommend that you see your doctor. |If you go to London, we recommend visiting (NOT recommend you visiting) Tate Modern.

1. Can you recommend me some new books on this subject?

2. I want to visit a fortuneteller or an astrologer.Can you recommend one to me?
    我想拜访一个算命的占星家, 你能向我推荐一个吗?
