

美音:[rı´membə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[rı´membə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vt.回忆起,铭记,纪念 vi.记得


remember为小学词汇   词频:374


动词过去式:remembered 过去分词:remembered 现在分词:remembering 第三人称单数:remembers 形容词:rememberable 名词:rememberability

近义词, 同义词


recall  recognize  recollect  remind  forget    


/rɪ'membə(r); rɪ`mɛmbɚ/
v (not usu used in the continuous tenses 通常不用于进行时态)
1 [I, Tn, Tf, Tw, Tt, Tg, Tsg, Cn.n/a] have or keep (sth) in the memory; recall to one's memory 记着或记住(某事物); 回想起
*If I remember rightly the party starts at
8 pm. 我记得聚会是在下午8点开始.
* Have you met my brother? Not as far as I remember. 你见过我弟弟吗? 我不记得见过他.
* I can't/don't remember his name. 我想不起他的名字了.
* Robert's contribution should also be remembered. 罗伯特的贡献同样应该久志不忘.
* Remember (that) we're going out tonight. 别忘了我们今晚出去.
* Do you remember where you put the key? 你记得你把钥匙放在什么地方了吗?
* Remember (ie Don't forget) to lock the door. 别忘了锁门.
* I remember posting the letters, ie I have the memory of doing so in my mind. 我记着得寄信.
* I remember his objecting to the scheme. 我记得他曾经反对该计画.
* I remember her (ie picture her in my mind) as a slim young girl. 我想起她那时还是个苗条的少女.
2 [Tn] give money, etc to (sb/sth) 给(某人[某事物])钱等
*Please remember (ie Don't forget to tip) the waiter. 别忘了给服务员小费.
* remember sb in one's will 在遗嘱中给某人遗赠
* Auntie Jill always remembers my birthday, eg with a card or present. 吉尔姨在我的生日总送给我礼物.
3 [Tn] ~ oneself (fml 文) stop behaving badly 约束自己的言行
*Bill, remember yourself! Don't swear in front of the children. 比尔, 注意检点! 别在孩子们面前骂人.
4 [Tn] mention or commemorate (sb), esp in one's prayers 提及或纪念(某人)(尤指在祈祷中)
*remember the sick, the old and the needy 为病人、老人、穷人祈祷
* a church service to remember the war dead 为纪念战争中的死难者而举行的宗教仪式.
5 (phr v) remember sb to sb pass greetings from one person to another 代某人向他人问候
*Please remember me to Jenny. 请代我问候珍妮.
* He asked me to remember him to you. 他要我代他向你问好.


1【the past】
3【to do/get something】
4【keep something in mind】
5【honour the dead】
6 be remembered for/as something
7【give somebody a present】
8 remember me to somebody
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: remembrer, from Late Latin rememorari, from Latin memor; MEMORY]
【THE PAST】 [I and T]
to have a picture or idea in your mind of people, events, places etc from the past
 Do you remember Rosa Davies?
 I can't remember her exact words.
 I remember you two couldn't stand each other at first!
 I remember my father bringing home a huge Christmas tree.
 I remember meeting her at a party once.
 I remember it well ; I'd never seen my mother so angry.
 She clearly remembers the excitement as they boarded the train.
 I vaguely remember reading something about it in the paper.
 They had three children, if I remember rightly .
 They've lived here for as long as I can remember .
 No one got drunk as far as I can remember .
to bring information or facts that you know into your mind
 You left your keys on the table, remember?
 I can't remember her phone number.
remember that
 I suddenly remembered that I'd left the stove on.
remember what/how/why etc
 I called the office, but I don't remember who I spoke to.
to not forget something that you must do, get, or bring
 I hope he remembers the wine.
remember to do sth
 Remember to take your P.E. clothes to school.
to keep a particular fact about a situation in your mind
 Remember, processed food is usually full of salt and sugar.
remember that
 Remember that not everyone has as much money as you.
it should/must be remembered (that)
 It should be remembered that a lot of work went into this event.
to think with respect about someone who has died, often in a ceremony
 On this day we remember the dead of two world wars.
be remembered for/as sth
to be famous for something important that you did in the past
 He is best remembered for his travel books.
 Johnson wanted to be remembered as 'the education president.'
to give someone a present on a particular occasion
 Lilian always remembers me at Christmas.
remember sb in your will
(=arrange for someone to have something of yours after you die)
remember me to sb
spoken used to ask someone to give a greeting from you to someone else
COLLOCATES for sense 1
can/can't remember
remember (that)
remember (somebody) doing something
remember something well
distinctly/vividly/clearly remember (=remember something well)
vaguely/dimly/barely remember (=not remember something well)
remember something rightly/correctly
for as long as somebody can remember (=for a very long time)
as far as somebody can remember (=used for telling someone what you remember of a situation)
WORD CHOICE: remember, remind
You remember someone or something from a time in the past : I remember playing there when I was little. |Hello, do you remember me?
You also remember information or things that you must do : I can't remember what time he's arriving. | We must remember to close that window.
You remind someone about something when you tell them to remember it : Remind me to call Kim tomorrow. | Thomas reminded us that Dad was still waiting.
If something or someone reminds you of a person or thing, they make you think of them because they are similar : Being on the farm reminded me of my childhood. | She reminds me of my first girlfriend.
!! You can remind yourself of something, but you cannot remember yourself of something : I reminded myself of my promise. |He remembered his promise (NOT He remembered him/himself (of) his promise).

1. But can we blame those who looked and failed to see what Galileo saw, if we remember that to use a telescope at the limit of its powers calls for long experience and intimate familiarity with one´s instrument?

2. Because the gravity on the Moon´s surface is only a sixth of Earth´s (remember how easily the Apollo astronauts bounded along),
    由于月球表面的重力仅是地球表面的1/6 -- 还记得阿波罗飞船中的宇航员累松地跳跃 --

3. We must remember that none of us is infallible.

4. We shall all remember Mr. Page for his patience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.

5. Whether or not they said anything I can't remember to this day, or whether people just automatically put their hands up I don't know. I put my hands up but I just didn't know what to do.

6. They remember to this day the sea-fights in a large basin of water with fleets of paper boats, which he made for them and which he would then set on fire to their great joy.

7. Though your parents probably meant your name to last a lifetime, remember that when they picked it they'd hardly met you, and the hopes and dreams they valued when they chose it may not match yours.
    虽然你父母很可能打算让你的名字一辈子用下去,但记住, 他们选这个名字的时侯,也许还没有见过你呢。

8. Don´t you remember it´s your birthday?May I take you to dinner tonight?

9. Do you remember me?

10. Don´t you remember?
