

美音:[sku:p ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[sku:p ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.铲子 v.掘,挖




名词:scooper 动词过去式:scooped 过去分词:scooped 现在分词:scooping 第三人称单数:scoops

近义词, 同义词


dig  excavate  gouge  ladle    


/sku:p; skup/
1 (a) deep shovel-like tool used for picking up and moving grain, flour, sugar, coal, etc (铲谷物、面粉、糖、煤等的)铲状工具, 铲子, 勺.
(b) similar small tool with a round bowl, used eg for serving ice-cream 圆形小勺(如用以舀冰激凌的).
2 (a) (infml 口) movement made with, or as if with, a scoop 铲; 舀
*After three scoops the jar was nearly empty. 舀了三勺後, 罐子就快空了.
(b) (also scoopful) amount picked up by a scoop 一铲或一勺的量
*two scoops of mashed potato 两勺土豆泥.
3 (a) piece of news made public by a newspaper, radio station, etc before its rivals 抢先报道的新闻.
(b) (commerce 商) large profit made by acting before one's competitors do 抢先赚得的巨额利润.

1 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) make (a hole, etc) with, or as if with, a scoop 用铲、勺等挖(洞等)
*scoop a hole in the sand 用铲子在沙子上挖洞.
2 [Tn]
(a) act before (a rival, etc) to get a scoop(3a) 抢在(对手等)之前报道新闻
*She scooped all the national newspapers to get the story. 她抢在全国各报之前发表了这一消息.
(b) get (news, a profit, etc) as a scoop(3b) 抢先获得(新闻、利润等)
*He scooped
1000 in the lottery. 他在抽彩中捷足先登赢得1000英镑.
3 (phr v) scoop sth out/up lift sth with, or as if with, a scoop 铲起; 舀出
*He scooped the coins up in his hands. 他用手把硬币捧了起来.