

美音:[skaut ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[skaut ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.侦察,搜索,侦察员,侦察机 vi.守候,侦察,巡视,嘲笑 vt.侦察,跟踪,觅得,监视,轻蔑地拒绝(建议,意见等)




名词:scouter 动词过去式:scouted 过去分词:scouted 现在分词:scouting 第三人称单数:scouts


hunt  search-out    


/'skaʊt; skaut/
1 person, ship or aircraft sent out to get information about the enemy's position, strength, etc 侦察员; 侦察舰; 侦察机.
2 Scout (also formerly 旧时作 Boy `Scout) member of the Scout Association, an organization which aims to teach boys self-reliance, discipline and public service through outdoor activities 童子军
*[attrib 作定语] a scout troop, hut 童子军的部队、营房. Cf 参看 Girl Guide (girl).
3 person whose job is to find talented performers (eg footballers, stage artists, etc) and offer them work 物色(运动员、演员等)人材的工作人员
*a `talent scout 物色演员或运动员的人.
4 servant at an Oxford college 牛津大学的校工.

v [Ipr, Ip] ~ around/about (for sb/sth)
1 look in various places to find sb/sth 到处寻找某人[某事物]
*We'd better start scouting about for a new secretary. 我们最好着手物色一个新秘书.
* I've been scouting around town for a better house. 我跑遍了全城想找个好一点的房子.
2 act as a scout(1) 侦察
*scouting around (looking) for enemy troops 到各处侦察寻找敌军.


The phrase traditional Apache scout refers to members of the Apache tribe who engaged in scouting, either for game or during time of war. Only Lipan, Chiricahua and Mescaleros had scout societies.
1. The scout was searching through the woods.

2. "If they're doing really badly in a subject, that makes kids want to cheat so they can get a better grade," says first Class Scout Ben Patrick, 11, from Troop 69, Palatine, Illinois.

3. Only good scouting is likely to preserve the freedoms so dear to the heart of the eternal Boy Scout.

4. Only good scouting is likely to preserve the freedoms so dear to the heart of the eternal Boy Scout.
