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senior为高中词汇   词频:4319



近义词, 同义词


elder  older  junior    


/'si:nɪə(r); `sinjɚ/
1 ~ (to sb)
(a) older 较年长的
*He is ten years senior to me. 他比我大十岁.
(b) higher in rank, authority, etc (级别、权位等)较高的
*There are separate rooms for senior and junior officers. 高级军官和下级军官的房间是分着的.
* He is the senior partner in (ie the head of) the firm. 他是公司的老板.
(c) having been in a job, etc longer (做某工作等)年资较深的
*She is senior to me, since she joined the firm before me. 她比我资格老, 因为她加入公司比我早.2 (often 常作 Senior, abbr 缩写 Sen) (placed immediately after sb's name 置于姓名之後) being the parent of sb with the same name (父或母与子女同名情况下的)父或母
*John Brown Senior 老约翰·布朗.
3 [attrib 作定语] (of a school) for children over the age of
11 (指学校)高年级的(学生年龄在11岁以上的). Cf 参看 junior.

1 senior person 较年长的人
*She is my senior by two years/two years my senior, ie is two years older than me. 她比我大两岁.
2 member of a senior school 高年级学生
*a football match between the juniors and the seniors 低年级学生和高年级学生之间的足球赛.
3 (US) student in the year before graduation from a high school or college (中学或大学的)毕业班的学生
*[attrib 作定语] her senior year at college 她在大学毕业班那一年.


written abbreviationSr.AmESnrBrE
used after the name of a man who has the same name as his son
 John J. Wallace, Sr.
1. When I went to senior middle school, I was eager to continue studying English; however, my experience in senior school was very different from before.

2. To most graduates the senior yearbook is a treasured souvenir of high school days.

3. He is ten years senior to me.

4. America, Russia and Europe are filled with enthusiasts----many of them serious and senior scientists----who dream of sending people to it.
    美国、俄罗斯和欧洲都有许多热心此项事业的人 -- 其中的不少是认真和资深的科学家,他们一直梦想着把人送上火星。

5. "People in and near cities have little opportunity to experience parks or unprotected open spaces, and that's becoming a problem," says Mister Ernest Cook, a senior vice president of the Trust for Public Land (TPL).
    "住在城里或城市附近的人们很少有机会看到公园或开阔的空地,这正在成为一个问题," 公有土地信托机构的资深副总裁欧内斯特·考克先生说。

6. Julie Noel, a 21-year-old senior, recalls that she and her freshman year roommate didn't communicate and were uncomfortable throughout the year.

7. Unlike my senior middle school teacher, my college English teachers were patient and kind, and none of them carried long, pointed sticks!
