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vi.睡,睡觉 n.睡眠


sleep为小学词汇   词频:2359


动词过去式:slept 过去分词:slept 现在分词:sleeping 第三人称单数:sleeps

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doze  drowse  nap  rest  slumber  snooze  wake    


/sli:p; slip/
1 [U] condition that occurs regularly in humans and animals, esp at night, in which the eyes are closed and the muscles, nervous system, etc are relaxed 睡眠
*How many hours' sleep do you need? 你需要几个小时的睡眠?
* He didn't get much sleep. 他睡眠不足.
* Do you ever talk in your sleep? 你睡觉说梦话吗?
* send sb/get to sleep, ie (make sb) fall asleep (使某人)入睡
* sing/rock a baby to sleep, ie make the baby fall asleep by singing/rocking 唱歌[摇着]哄孩子入睡.
2 [sing] a period of sleep 睡眠时间
*have a short, good, restful, etc sleep 短时间的⾀良好的、安静的...睡眠.
3 [U] (infml 口) substance that gathers in the corners of the eyes during sleep 眼眵
*wash the sleep out of one's eyes 把眼眵洗掉.
4 (idm 习语) cry/sob oneself to `sleep cry/sob until one falls asleep 哭着入睡. ,go to `sleep
(a) fall asleep 入睡
*Go to sleep now, it's late. 快睡吧, 很晚了.
(b) (infml 口) (eg of a limb) become numb through lack of movement, etc (如肢体)麻木(因 不活动等)
*I've been sitting on the floor and my foot's gone to sleep. 我一直坐在地板上, 脚都麻木了. not get/have a wink of sleep => wink. not lose sleep/lose no sleep over sth => lose. put sb to `sleep make sb fall asleep, esp by using an anaesthetic 使某人入睡(尤指用麻醉剂). put (an animal) to `sleep (euph 婉) kill (an animal) deliberately, eg because it is ill 杀死(动物)(如因病)
*Stray dogs are usually put to sleep if no one claims them. 走失的狗如无人认领通常就不让它再生存了. read oneself/sb to sleep => read. sleep the sleep of the just => sleep2.

/sli:p; slip/
v (pt, pp slept / slept; slZpt/)
1 [I, Ip, In/pr] be in a state of sleep; be asleep 睡; 睡觉; 睡着
*Try to sleep in spite of the noise. 尽管有喧闹声也要设法睡着.
* sleep well/badly 睡得好[不好]
* I got up early, but he slept on. 我起得很早, 而他还睡呢.
* We slept (for) eight hours. 我们睡了八个小时.
* I slept at a friend's house last night. 我昨晚睡在朋友家里.
2 [Tn no passive 不用于被动语态] have enough beds for (a number of people) 为(某数量的人)提供床位
*Our caravan sleeps six in comfort. 我们居住的拖车可舒舒服服地睡六个人.
* The hotel sleeps
300 guests. 这旅馆可供三百人住宿.
3 (idm 习语) let sleeping dogs `lie (saying 谚) do not try to change a situation that could become a problem if sb interfered 别惊动睡着的狗; 别惹事生非; 别自找麻烦
*We decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not take them to court. 我们决定不起诉他们, 免得惹事生非. not sleep a wink => wink. sleep like a `log/`top (infml 口) sleep soundly 睡得很熟. sleep `rough sleep out of doors wherever one can 在户外睡觉
*He'd been sleeping rough for a week, in ditches and haystacks. 他在沟里和草堆里露宿了一个星期. sleep the sleep of the `just not be troubled by any guilty feeling 能睡安稳觉; 问心无愧. sleep `tight (infml 口) (esp imperative 尤用于祈使句) sleep soundly 睡个好觉
*Good night, sleep tight! 晚安, 睡个好觉!
4 (phr v) sleep around (infml 口) have sex with many partners与很多人发生性关系. sleep in
(a) (US) = lie in (lie2):I get a chance to sleep in at the weekend. 我在周末才有机会睡个懒觉.
(b) (esp formerly of servants) sleep at the place where one works (尤指旧时仆人)在工作处住宿
*a housekeeper that sleeps in 住在雇主家里的管家. sleep sth off recover from sth by sleeping 藉睡眠恢复或复原
*sleep off a bad headache, a hangover, etc 用睡眠来消除头痛、宿醉等
* sleep it off, ie after being drunk 藉睡眠醒酒. sleep on sth (no passive 不用于被动语态) not decide about sth until the next day 将(某事)留待次日再决定
*Don't say now if you'll take the job
*sleep on it first. 你现在先别决定接受这项工作
*考虑一天再说. sleep out
(a) sleep outdoors 露宿.
(b) (esp formerly of servants) not sleep at the place where one works (尤指旧时仆人)不在工作处住宿
*a butler who sleeps out 不在雇主家住宿的男管家. sleep through sth (no passive 不用于被动语态) not be woken up by (eg a noise or an alarm clock) 声音(如噪声、闹钟)吵不醒
*You slept right through the thunderstorm. 你一直睡着, 这场雷雨都没把你吵醒. sleep together; sleep with sb (euph 婉) have sex with sb, esp sb to whom one is not married 与某人发生性关系(尤指并非配偶).
1. Between midnight and dawn, when sleep will not come and all the old wounds begin to ache.
    从午夜到拂晓, 每当我毫无睡意, 所有昔日创痛开始发作的时候,

2. Boys who live at school sleep in a dormitory.

3. By having to sleep in the open, he gets far closer to the world of nature than most of us ever do.

4. By using pain-killing drugs that wear off quickly and a simple pain medicine, patients weren't driven into a long sleep and could breathe on their own sooner.

5. We have to consider the question of where to sleep.

6. The mother rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle.

7. The witch had enchanted the princess so that she would sleep for a month .

8. The cool water refreshed him after his long sleep.
    久睡之后, 凉水使他又清醒起来。

9. The children sleep in separate beds.

10. The implications of all this were that it was not the disturbance of sleep that mattered, but the disturbance of dreaming.
