

美音:[snɑ:l ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[snɑ:l ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vi.缠结,混乱,吠,咆哮,怒骂 vt.使缠结,搞乱,咆哮着说 n.咆哮,吼叫,怒骂,缠结,混乱




形容词:snarly 副词:snarlingly 名词:snarler 动词过去式:snarled 过去分词:snarled 现在分词:snarling 第三人称单数:snarls

近义词, 同义词

cry  roar  bellow  blare  growl  snarl  bark  yelp  bay  yap  yip  yipe  growl  yawl  snarl  howl  grunt  snort  squeak  neigh  whinny  braycry  roar  bellow  blare  growl  snarl  bark  yelp  bay  yap  yip  yipe  growl  yawl  snarl  howl  grunt  snort  squeak  neigh  whinny  bray    


growl  grumble  knot  mix-up  tangle    


/snɑ:l; snɑrl/
1 [I, Ipr] ~ (at sb/sth) (of dogs, etc) show the teeth and growl angrily (指狗等)露出牙齿低声怒吠或吼
*The dog snarled at the milkman. 那条狗对着送牛奶的人低声吠叫.
* The tiger snarled frighteningly. 老虎发出可怕的吼声.
2 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (at sb) (of people) speak in an angry bad-tempered voice (指人)咆哮, 厉声喊叫
*`Get out of here,' he snarled (at us). `滚开,'他(对我们)厉声嚷道.
* an unpleasant man who snarled abuse at strangers 大骂陌生人的讨厌的男子.

n (usu sing 通常作单数) act or sound of snarling 怒吼(声); 咆哮(声)
*the sudden snarl of the dog 那狗突然发出的吠叫声
* answer with an angry snarl 怒气冲冲地回答.

/snɑ:l; snɑrl/
n (infml 口) confused state; tangle 混乱; 纠缠
*My knitting was in a terrible snarl. 我织的东西都乱成一团了.

v (phr v) snarl (sth) up (usu passive 通常用于被动语态) (infml 口) (cause sth to) become confused,jammed, tangled, etc (使某物)混乱、阻塞、纠结在一起等
*The machine snarled the material up. 机器把材料搅在一起了.
* Traffic has snarled up the city centre. 来往车辆把市中心堵得水泄不通. `snarl-up n (infml 口) tangled or jammed state, esp of traffic 拥挤、阻塞的状态(尤指交通)
*a big snarl-up on the motorway 高速公路上严重的交通阻塞.


[Sense: 1-2; Date: 1500-1600; Origin: snar 'to snarl' (1500-1600), from the sound.]
[Sense: 3; Date: 1300-1400; Origin: snarl 'net for catching things' (14-19 centuries), from SNARE1]
if an animal snarls, it makes a low angry sound and shows its teeth
growlsnarl at
 The dog growled and snarled at me.
[I and T]
to speak or say something in a nasty, angry way
 'Shut up,' he snarled.
[T usually passive]alsosnarl upBrE
to prevent traffic from moving
 Traffic snarled up on both sides of the road.
 an angry snarl