

美音:[stıl ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[stıl ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.寂静,剧照,照片 adj.静止的,静寂的 adv.还,仍,更,还要,尽管如此,依然 静止画面,静态图片


still为小学词汇   词频:3520


形容词比较级:stiller 最高级:stillest 动词过去式:stilled 过去分词:stilled 现在分词:stilling 第三人称单数:stills

近义词, 同义词


calm  even  motionless  noiseless  peaceful  placid  quiet  smooth  so-far  tranquil  untroubled  yet    


/stɪl; stɪl/
adj (-er, -est)
1 (a) (almost) without movement or sound; quiet and calm (几乎)不动或无声的; 静止的; 寂静的
*still water 死水
* absolutely/completely/perfectly still 极其[十分/非常]宁静
* Please keep/stay/hold/sit/stand still while I take your photograph. 我给你拍照时请别动.
(b) without wind 无风的
*a still day in August 八月里无风的一天. =>Usage at quiet 用法见quiet.
2 [attrib 作定语] (of drinks) not containing bubbles of gas; not sparkling or fizzy (指饮料)不含碳酸气的, 不起泡的
*still cider, orange, mineral water, etc 无汽的苹果汁、橙子汁、矿泉水等.
3 (idm 习语) the still small `voice (of conscience) (rhet 修辞) a person's sense of right and wrong 良心的呼唤; 是非感.still waters run `deep (saying 谚) a quiet or apparentlycalm person can have strong emotions, much knowledge or wisdom, etc 静水流深(沉静或寡言者或有强烈情感、丰富知识或非凡智慧等).

1 single photograph of a scene from a cinema film (电影片中某一镜头的)剧照, 定格画面
*stills from a new film, eg as used for advertising 新影片的剧照(如用作广告的).
2 (idm 习语) the still of the `night (rhet 修辞) the calmness or silence of the night 夜间的寂静.

v [I, Tn] (fml 文) (cause sth to) become calm or at rest (使某物)平静下来或静止
*The waves stilled. 波浪平静下来了.
* (fig 比喻) She couldn't still her anxiety. 她无法消除内心的不安.

/stɪl; stɪl/
1 (usu in the middle position, but sometimes occurring after a direct object 通常置于句子中部, 但有时用于直接宾语之後) up to and including the present time or the time mentioned 至目前或当时为止; 仍然; 依旧; 还是
*She's still busy. 她仍然很忙.
* He still hopes/is still hoping for a letter from her. 他仍盼望她能来信.
* Will you still be here when I get back? 我回来的时候你还在这里吗?
* Do you still live in London? 你还住在伦敦吗?
* I still can't do it. 我还是不会做.
* We could still change our minds. 我们还可以改变主意.
* I need you still; don't go yet. 我还需要你, 先别走.
2 in spite of that; nevertheless; even so 尽管那样; 然而; 不过; 虽然如此
*He's treated you badly
*still, he's your brother and you should help him. 他待你很不好; 但他终归是你的兄弟, 你应该帮助他.
* Although she felt ill, she still went to work. 她虽然觉得身体不舒服, 但仍然去上班了.
3 (a) (with a comparative 与比较级连用) in a greater amount or degree; even 更; 还要
*Tom is tall, but Mary is taller still/still taller. 汤姆很高, 但是玛丽更高.
* That would be nicer still/still nicer. 那就更好了.
(b) in addition; besides; yet 加之; 此外; 还有
*He came up with still more stories. 他写出的小说更多了.
4 (idm 习语) ,better/,worse `still even better/worse 还要好[坏].

/stɪl; stɪl/
n apparatus for making alcoholic liquor (eg brandy, whisky) by distilling 蒸馏器(制造如白兰地、威士忌等酒精饮料用的).