

美音:[streıt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[streıt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.直的,诚实的,正直的,率直的,整齐的 adv.直,直接,一直


straight为六级词汇   词频:2844


名词:straightness 副词:straightly 形容词比较级:straighter 最高级:straightest


string,strict,strain,stress=to draw tight(拉紧)

近义词, 同义词


direct  frank  honest  open  sincere  square  unswerving  upright  bent    


/streɪt; stret/
1 without a bend or curve; extending or moving continuously in one direction only 直的; 向一个方向延伸或运动的
*a straight road, line, rod 直的路、线、杆
* straight hair, ie not curly 直的毛发
* a straight skirt, ie not flared 直筒裙.
2 [usu pred 通常作表语] arranged in proper order; tidy; correct 井然有序; 整齐; 正确
*It took hours to get the house straight. 用了很长时间才把房子收拾好.
3 [pred 作表语] properly positioned; parallel to sth else; level or upright 端正; 与他物平行; 水平; 竖直
*Put the picture straight. 把这幅画放正.
* Is my tie straight? 我的领带系得正不正?
* His hat isn't on straight. 他的帽子没戴正.
4 (of a person, his behaviour, etc) honest; truthful (指人、其行为等)正直的, 诚实的
*give a straight answer to a straight question 直率地回答直率的问题
* I don't think you're being straight with me. 我认为你对我不够坦诚.
* It's time for some straight talking, ie some frank discussion. 现在该坦率地谈谈了.
5 [attrib 作定语] accurate and without additions; not modified or elaborate 准确的; 无渲染的; 无虚饰的
*tell a straight story 实事求是地讲一件事
* give sb a straight (ie reliable and accurate) tip 给某人一个准确的内部消息.
6 [attrib 作定语] (of a play or theatrical style) of the ordinary type; serious (指戏剧或戏剧风格)一般的, 朴实无华的, 严肃的
*a straight actor 演技朴实的男演员
* a straight play, ie not a musical or variety show 话剧.
7 [attrib 作定语] in continuous succession 接连的; 连续的
*ten straight wins in a row 接连十次获胜.
8 (also neat) (of an alcoholic drink) without water, soda-water, etc added; undiluted (指酒精饮料)不搀水、苏打水等的, 纯的
*Two straight whiskies, please. 请来两杯不加水的威士忌.
* I like my vodka straight. 我喜欢喝纯的伏特加酒.
9 (sl 俚)
(a) conventional and conservative 传统的; 保守的.
(b) heterosexual 异性恋的
*straight men 异性恋的男性.
10 (idm 习语) get sth right/straight => right1. keep a straight `face stop oneself from smiling and laughing  着脸; 忍住不笑
*He has such a strange voice that it's difficult to keep a straight face when he's talking. 他的声音很古怪, 说起话来很难让人不笑. put/set the record straight => record1. put sb straight (about sth) correct sb's mistake; make sure that sb knows the correct facts, etc 纠正某人的错误; 务必使某人了解事实等. put sth straight make sth tidy 将某物弄整齐
*Please put your desk straight before you leave the office. 请你先把办公桌收拾好再离开办公室. stiff/straight as a ramrod => ramrod. (as) straight as an `arrow/`die
(a) in a straight line or direction 成直线; 笔直; 径直.
(b) (of a person) honest and straightforward (指人)诚实的, 正直的. the ,straight and `narrow (infml 口) proper, honest and moral way of behaving 正当、诚实和正派
*He finds it difficult to stay on/stick to the straight and narrow for long. 他觉得长期地坚持走正道很难. (vote) the straight `ticket (US) (vote for a) political party's complete programme or list of candidates without any changes or modifications to it (投票支持)某一政党的全部纲领或候选人.

n (sl 俚)
(a) conventional person 恪守传统的人.
(b) heterosexual person 异性恋者.

/streɪt; stret/
1 not in a curve or at an angle; in a straight line; directly 挺直地; 成直线地; 直接地
*sit up straight, ie without bending one's back 坐直
* Keep straight on for two miles. 一直往前走两英里.
* Look straight ahead. 一直往前看.
* The smoke rose straight up. 那股烟直线上升.
* He was too drunk to walk straight. 他酩酊大醉, 走起路来步子不稳.
* I can't shoot straight, ie aim accurately. 我射击瞄不准.
* (fig 比喻) I can't think straight, ie logically. 我的思维很乱(缺乏条理).
2 by a direct route; without delay or hesitation 径直; 立即; 不犹豫地
*Come straight home. 直接回家.
* He went straight to Lagos, without stopping in Nairobi. 他径直前往拉各斯, 未在内罗毕停留.
* She went straight from school to university. 她中学一毕业就马上进了大学.
* I'll come straight to the point your work isn't good enough. 我要直截了当地说--你的工作做得不够好.
3 honestly and frankly; in a straightforward manner 坦诚地; 直截了当地
*I told him straight that I didn't like him. 我坦率地对他说我不喜欢他.
4 (idm 习语) go `straight live an honest life after leading a life of crime 改邪归正. play `straight (with sb) be honest and fairin one's dealings (with sb) 诚实而公平; 老实无欺. right/straight away/off => right2. ,straight from the `shoulder (of criticism, etc) frankly and honestly stated (指批评等)坦诚的, 直言不讳的
*She gave it to me straight from the shoulder. 她坦诚地批评我. straight `out without hesitation; frankly 不犹豫地; 直截了当地; 坦率地
*I told him straight out that I thought he was lying. 我直率地对他说我认为他是在撒谎.
* She didn't hesitate for a moment but came straight out with her reply. 她没有迟疑, 痛快地答覆了. ,straight `up (Brit sl 俚) (used esp in asking and answering questions 尤用于问答中) honestly; really 的确; 真的.

/streɪt; stret/
1 (usu sing 通常作单数) straight part of sth, esp the final part of a track or racecourse 直线部分; (尤指临近终点的)直线跑道
*on the home straight, ie approaching the finishing line 临近终点
* The two horses were level as they entered the final straight. 这两匹马同时进入最後的直线跑道.
2 (in the card-game of poker) hand with five cards in sequence but from more than one suit (扑克牌戏)一手不同花色的顺子牌(共五张).
1. Even men who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics.

2. Bamboo is this kind of grass. It grows up straight and thin, with branches at the top.
    竹子就是这种草. 它长得又直又细, 顶端长着枝权.

3. For it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away.

4. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them.

5. When the north pole is towards the sun, the sun´s rays shine down quite straight on the northern part of the earth, while they slant down towards the southern part.

6. Then the sun is closest to being straight above us.

7. The F-16 can fly straight up. It can spin, dive, turn, climb, roll, and make loops with the grace of an eagle.

8. Now the slanting rays cover a much larger surface of the earth than the same number of rays coming straight down.

9. Hold the flashlight so that the beam shines straight down on a sheet of white paper.

10. How Harry managed to keep a straight face during these performances is quite beyond me.
