

美音:[strıp ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[strıp ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vt.剥,剥去 n.条,带


strip为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3856


动词过去式:stripped 过去分词:stripped 现在分词:stripping 第三人称单数:strips

近义词, 同义词

disrobe  divest  uncover  denude  bare  strip  undress  dismantle  take off  cast off  doff  peel  pare  decorticate  excoriate  skin  scalp  flay  expose  lay open  exfoliate  molt  mew    


bare  pare  peel  remove  uncover  clothe    


/strɪp; strɪp/
v (-pp-)
1 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.a]~ sth (from/off sth/sb); ~ sth/sb (of sth); ~ sth (off) take off (clothes, coverings, parts, etc) from sb/sth 从某人[某物]处除去(衣物、覆盖物、零件等)
*strip (iedismantle) a machine 拆卸机器
* strip the bark off a tree/strip a tree of its bark 剥去树皮
* The bandits stripped him (naked)/stripped him of his clothes. 强盗把他的衣服剥光了.
* The paint will be difficult to strip off. 这层漆很难除掉.
* They stripped the house bare, ie removed everything from it. 他们把房子里的东西都搬空了.
(b) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (down) (to sth); ~ (off) take off one's clothes 脱去衣服
*The doctor asked the patient to strip. 医生让病人脱掉衣服.
* strip to (ie remove all one's clothes except) one's underwear 脱到只剩内衣
* strip to the waist, ie remove clothes from the upper part of one's body 脱光上身衣服
* They stripped off and ran into the water. 他们脱掉衣服跑进水里.
2 [Tn.pr] ~ sb of sth take away (property, honours, etc) from sb 剥夺某人的(财产、荣誉等)
*He was stripped of all his possessions. 剥夺了他的全部财产.
* The general was stripped of his rank. 这位将军被免去了军阶.
3 [Tn] damage the thread of (a screw) or the teeth of (a gear), esp by misuse 损坏(螺钉等)的螺纹或(齿轮)的齿(尤因使用不当).
4 (idm 习语) strip to the buff (infml 口) take all one's clothes off; undress completely 脱光衣服.
5 (phr v) strip sth down remove all the detachable parts of (esp an engine) in order to clean or repair it 卸掉(尤指发动机)的所有零件进行清理或检修.

1 act of stripping (strip 1b), esp in a strip-tease show 脱衣; (尤指)脱衣舞表演
*do a strip 表演脱衣舞.
2 long narrow piece (of material, etc) or area (of land, etc) 狭长的一块(材料、土地等)
*a strip of paper 一张纸条
* a strip of land suitable for a garden 适合做园子的一块狭长土地
* a landing-strip in the jungle 丛林中的简易飞机跑道.
3 (infml 口) clothes of a particular colour or colours worn by the members of a football team (足球队员的)运动服(可为单色或彩色)
*England are playing in the blue and white strip. 英格兰队穿着蓝白色运动衣进行比赛.
4 (idm 习语) tear sb off a strip/tear a strip off sb => tear2.


Gross Rosebell Airstrip , near Gross Rosebell, Suriname.
1. Within seconds, a small display unit on the checker´s right shows the name and price of the item; at the same time this information is printed on a strip of paper.

2. This strip of paper will eventually list everything that the shopper has bought, what each item cost, the total price, the tax, how much money the shopper gave the checker, whether it was cash or a check, and the amount of change the shopper is to re

3. The river swarmed with piranha, the flesh-eating fish that hunted in packs and could easily strip a cow to its bare bones within a minute.

4. Sighing, he dipped his brush and passed it along the topmost board; repeated the operation; did it again; compared the insignificant whitewashed strip with the far-reaching continent of unwhitewashed fence, and sat down on a box discouraged.

5. In Baltimore, a long strip of land (which was used for dumping garbage) is becoming a series of biking and walking trails.
