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suck为高中词汇   词频:4425


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absorb  draw-in  drink  take-in    


/sʌk; sʌk/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p]
(a) draw (liquid or air, etc) into the mouth by using the lip muscles (用嘴)吸(液体或气体等); 吮吸; 啜; 嘬
*suck the juice from an orange 吸橙子的汁
* suck the poison out (of a wound) 吸出(伤口的)毒液
* suck milk through a straw 用吸管吸牛奶喝. =>illus at blow 见blow插图.
(b) (of a pump, etc) draw (liquid or air, etc) out of sth (指泵等)抽出(液体或气体等)
*The pump sucks air out (of the vessel) through this valve. 这台泵通过这个阀门把(容器中的)空气抽出.
* plants that suck up moisture from the soil 从土壤中吸收水分的植物.
2 [Tn, Cn.a] draw liquid from (sth) 从(某物)中吸出液体
*a baby sucking its mother's breast 正在吃母乳的孩子
* suck an orange dry 把橙子吸乾.
3 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (away) (at/on sth) perform the action of sucking sth 吸食或吮吸某物
*The baby sucked (away) (at its bottle) contentedly. 那婴儿舒适地嘬着(奶瓶).
* The old man was sucking at his pipe. 那老汉正在吸着烟斗.
* Suck on the tube to draw up the water. 用管子把水吸上来.
4 [Tn] squeeze or roll (sth) with the tongue while holding it in the mouth 将(某物)含在嘴里
*suck a toffee 含着太妃糖
* a child that sucks its thumb 吮吸拇指的孩子.
5 (idm 习语) milk/suck sb/sth dry => dry1. teach one's grandmother to suck eggs => teach.
6 (phr v) suck sb in/into sth (usu passive 通常用于被动语态) involve sb in (a scandal, an argument, etc), usu unwillingly 将某人卷入(丑闻、争论等)之中(通常为不情愿者)
*I don't want to get sucked into the row about school reform. 我不愿意牵扯到这场学制改革的争论之中. suck sb/sth under, into, etc sth; suck sb/sth down, in, etc pull sb/sth down, under, etc with great force of water or air (以水或气体的巨大吸力)把某人[某物]吞没
*The canoe was sucked (down) into the whirlpool. 那独木舟卷进漩涡里了.
* Dangerous currents can suck swimmers under. 险急的水流能把游泳的人吞没. suck up (to sb) (derog sl 贬, 俚) try to please sb by flattering, helping him, etc 奉承或巴结某人; 拍某人马屁
*She sucks up to him by agreeing with everything he says. 她巴结他, 他说什么话她都同意.

n act of sucking 吸; 吮吸; 啜; 咂
*have/take a suck (at sth) 吮吸(某物).