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terrible为中学词汇   词频:1965


副词:terribly 名词:terribleness


terr=to frighten(使惊吓)



/'terəbl; `tɛrəbl/
1 causing great fear ordistress; appalling 可怕的; 使人苦恼的; 骇人的
*a terriblewar, accident, murder 可怕的战争、事故、谋杀案.
2 hard to bear; extreme 难以忍受的; 极端的
*terrible toothache 难以忍受的牙疼
* The heat was terrible. 热得受不了.
3 (infml 口) very bad 极坏的; 很糟的
*I'm terrible at tennis. 我打网球打得很不好.
* What a terrible meal! 这顿饭糟透了!
* He's a terrible bore. 他这人讨厌极了.


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin:Latin terribilis, from terrere 'to frighten']
extremely severe in a way that causes harm or damage
= horrible, awful awful
 Their son had been injured in a terrible accident.
 We're worried that something terrible might have happened to Greg.
 a terrible storm
informal extremely bad
= horrible, awful awful
 The hotel was absolutely terrible.
 I'd better write this down; I have a terrible memory.
making you feel afraid or shocked
 There was a terrible noise and the roof caved in.
 She wept when she heard the terrible news.
to a very great degree
 You're making a terrible mistake.
1. We heard a terrible screaming voice.

2. We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers for years.

3. Why, if little Hans comes here, and sees our warm fire, and our good supper, and our red wine, he will envy us, and envy is a terrible thing.
    哎,如果小汉斯到咱家来,看到咱们温暖的火炉,丰盛的晚餐,还 有红酒,他会嫉妒我们的。而嫉妒却是一件令人可怕的事。

4. It places a terrible strain on the mother-child bond by saddling the mother with the double burden of playing the role of both mother and father;

5. The child had a terrible nightmare and awoke crying.

6. They gave us terrible food at the hotel.

7. The terrible secret is called ´a skeleton in the cupboard´.

8. This was worse than ´a terrible secret´; this was a real skeleton!

9. The boss´s handwriting is terrible!

10. The conditions in the Crimean hospital were terrible.
