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threshold为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5220

近义词, 同义词


doorway  gateway  portal    


/'θreʃhəʊld; `θrɛʃhold/
1 piece of wood or stone forming the bottom of a doorway 门槛.
2 entrance of a house, etc (房屋等的)门口
*cross the threshold, ie enter 跨过门槛(进入).
3 (usu sing 通常作单数) (fig 比喻) point of entering or beginning sth 入门; 起点; 开端
*He was on the threshold of his career. 他的事业刚刚起步.
* at the threshold of a new era in medicine 医学领域新时代的开端.
4 (medical or psychology 医或心) limit below which a person does not react to a stimulus 阈
*above/below the threshold of consciousness 阈上[下]知觉
* have a high/low pain threshold, ie be able to endure much/little pain, eg during illness 有很高[低]的痛觉阈.


[Language: Old English;Origin: threscwald]
the entrance to a room or building, or the area of floor or ground at the entrance
 She opened the door and stepped across the threshold.
the level at which something starts to happen or have an effect
 Eighty percent of the vote was the threshold for approval of the plan.
a high/low pain/boredom etc threshold
(=the ability or inability to suffer a lot of pain or boredom before you react to it)
at the beginning of a new and important event or development
be on the threshold of sth
 The creature is on the threshold of extinction.
1. He was on the threshold of his career.
