

美音:[vəu´keıʃən ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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voc,voke=to call(喊叫),voice(声)


business  calling  craft  line  occupation  profession  trade  work    


/vəʊ'keɪʃn; vo`keʃən/
1 [C] ~ (for/to sth) feeling that one is called to (and qualified for) a certain kind of work, esp social or religious (认为自己合于做某事的)使命感(尤指社会上的或宗教上的)
*vocations to the priesthood, ministry, etc 任牧师等的使命感
* have/follow one's vocation to become a nun 奉神召当修女
* Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession. 护理工作既是职业也是救死扶伤的责任.
2 [U] ~ (for sth) natural liking or aptitude for a certain type of work (对某种工作的)天生的爱好或才能
*He has little vocation for teaching. 他不是教书的材料.
3 [C usu sing 通常作单数] (fml 文) person's trade or profession 行业; 职业
*find one's true vocation (in life) 找到了(一生中)真正的职业
* You should be an actor you've missed your vocation, ie you are following the wrong career. 你应该当演员--你入错行了.


n [U and C]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin;Origin: vocatio 'call, summons', from vocare 'to call']
a) the feeling that the purpose of your life is to do a particular type of work, especially because it allows you to help other people
vocation for
 Jan has a vocation for teaching.
 a strong sense of vocation
 You missed your vocation (=you would have been good at a particular job) .
b) a particular type of work that you feel is right for you
 At 17 she found her true vocation as a writer.
a strong belief that you have been chosen by God to be a priest or a nun
1. He changed his vocation from chemistry to music.

2. And ordinary holidays, when they come, are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation.
