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n.野草,杂草 v.除草,铲除


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/wi:d; wid/
1 (a) [C] wild plant growing where it is not wanted, esp among crops or garden plants 野草,杂草(尤指庄稼地里的或园中的)
*The garden is overgrown with weeds. 这个园子里长了许多野草.
* She spent the afternoon pulling up the weeds in the flowerbeds. 她用整个下午的时间拔除花坛中的杂草.
(b) [U] any of several plants without flowers that grow in water and form a green, floating mass 水草
*The pond is full of weed. 这个池塘里长满了水草.
2 [C] (infml derog 口, 贬)
(a) thin weak-looking person 瘦弱的人.
(b) person who has a weak character 懦弱的人
*Don't be such a weed! 别这么懦弱!
3 (infml 口)
(a) [sing] (usu 通常作 the weed) (dated or joc 旧或谑) tobacco or cigarettes 烟草; 香烟
*I wish I could give up the weed, ie stop smoking. 但愿我能把烟戒掉.
(b) [U] marijuana 大麻烟.

1 [I, Tn] take out weeds from (the ground) 除去(地面)的杂草
*I've been busy weeding (in) the garden.我一直在园子里忙着除杂草.
2 (phr v) weed sth/sb out remove or get rid of (people or things that are not wanted) from amongst others that are valuable 除去,剔除, 淘汰(不需要的人或物)
*weed out the weakest saplings 摘除最差的树苗
* weed out the herd, ie get rid of inferior animals 剔除兽群中的不好的
* The new conductor started by weeding out the weaker players in the orchestra. 笀¡弦乐队新来的指挥一上任就先把较差的演奏人员清除出去了.

/wi:d; wid/
1 (a) [C] wild plant growing where it is not wanted, esp among crops or garden plants 野草,杂草(尤指庄稼地里的或园中的)
*The garden is overgrown with weeds. 这个园子里长了许多野草.
* She spent the afternoon pulling up the weeds in the flowerbeds. 她用整个下午的时间拔除花坛中的杂草.
(b) [U] any of several plants without flowers that grow in water and form a green, floating mass 水草
*The pond is full of weed. 这个池塘里长满了水草.
2 [C] (infml derog 口, 贬)
(a) thin weak-looking person 瘦弱的人.
(b) person who has a weak character 懦弱的人
*Don't be such a weed! 别这么懦弱!
3 (infml 口)
(a) [sing] (usu 通常作 the weed) (dated or joc 旧或谑) tobacco or cigarettes 烟草; 香烟
*I wish I could give up the weed, ie stop smoking. 但愿我能把烟戒掉.
(b) [U] marijuana 大麻烟.

1 [I, Tn] take out weeds from (the ground) 除去(地面)的杂草
*I've been busy weeding (in) the garden.我一直在园子里忙着除杂草.
2 (phr v) weed sth/sb out remove or get rid of (people or things that are not wanted) from amongst others that are valuable 除去,剔除, 淘汰(不需要的人或物)
*weed out the weakest saplings 摘除最差的树苗
* weed out the herd, ie get rid of inferior animals 剔除兽群中的不好的
* The new conductor started by weeding out the weaker players in the orchestra. 管弦乐队新来的指挥一上任就先把较差的演奏人员清除出去了.