

美音:[jʌŋ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[jʌŋ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.年轻的,年纪小的,没有经验的,尚早的,初期的 n.(动物的)崽,仔


young为小学词汇   词频:255


名词:youngness 形容词比较级:younger 最高级:youngest

近义词, 同义词


juvenile  youthful  old    


/jʌŋ; jʌŋ/ adj (-nger / -NgE(r); -N^L/, -ngest /-NgIst; -NgIst/)
1 not far advanced in life, growth, development, etc; of recent birth or origin 年轻的; 幼小的; 新诞生的; 新成立的
*a young woman, animal, tree, nation 年轻的女人、幼小的动物、幼小的树、新成立的国家. Cf 参看 old2.
2 still near its beginning 仍然接近开始阶段的; 初期的
*The evening is still young. 晚间刚开始不久.
3 the younger (fml 文) (used before or after a person's name, to distinguish that person from an older person with the same name 用于姓名之前或之後, 以区别于同名之年长者)
*the younger Pitt/Pitt the younger 年纪较轻的那个皮特. Cf 参看 elder1 2.4 (becoming dated 渐旧)
(a) (used before a person'sname to distinguish esp a son from his father 用于姓名之前, 以区别父子, 指儿子)
*Young Jones is just like his father. 小琼斯真像他的父亲.
(b) (used as a familiar or condescending form of address 用作亲切的或屈尊俯就的称呼)
*Now listen to me, (my) young man/lady! 听我说, (我的)小伙子[小姐]!
5 for, concerning or characteristic of youth or young people 青年的; 年轻人的
*The young look is in fashion this year. 今年时兴扮年轻人的样子.
* Those clothes she's wearing are much too young for her. 她穿的那些衣服显得太年轻了.
6 [pred 作表语] ~ in sth having little practice or experience in sth 对某事物不熟练或无甚经验
*young in crime 初次犯罪.
7 (idm 习语) an angry young man => angry. not as/so young as one `used to be/(once) `was old or growing old and losing vigour, good health, etc 年老的; 失去青春活力或健康等的
*I can't play squash twice a week
*I'm not as young as I was, you know! 我不能一星期打两次壁球了, 我的体力大不如前了, 你要知道! not get any `younger become older 变老的
*Of course long walks tire you out you're not getting any younger, you know. 当然走长路能把你累坏的--青春不再, 你要知道. an old head on young shoulders => old. young and `old (a`like) everyone, regardless of age 无论老少
*This is a book for young and old (alike). 这本书老少咸宜. ,young at `heart in spite of one's age, still feeling and behaving as one did when one was young 人老心不老. the ,young i`dea (dated 旧) young people, esp schoolboys or schoolgirls and students青少年; (尤指)学生. one's young `lady/young `man (dated 旧) one's girl-friend/boy-friend 女朋友; 男朋友
*When's your young man coming to dinner, then? 你的男朋友什么时候来吃饭呢? you're only young `once (saying 谚) young people should be allowed to enjoy themselves while they can, because they will have plenty to worry about when they get older 应准予年轻人及时行乐(因为年纪大时要有很多操心事).

n [pl]
1 (of animals and birds) offspring; young ones (指鸟兽)雏; 仔; 崽
*The cat fought fiercely to defend its young, ie its young kittens. 那只猫拼命反抗以保护小猫.
2 the young young people considered as a group 年轻人(总称)
*The young in our society need careand protection. 我们社会的年轻人需要受到关怀和爱护.3 (idm 习语) (be) with `young (of animals) pregnant (指动物)怀孕的.
1. Everyone marvelled at the young violinist´s great brilliance.

2. Earlier, we were infants and young children, and consequently more vulnerable;

3. Everyone went to the funeral, for the ´ghost´ was none other than Eric Cox, a third brother who was supposed to have died as a young man.

4. Everyone was curious to see those young men fresh from Europe, still wearing their white linen shirts and striped waistcoats and buckled shoes.

5. Elegantly dressed women of the town called to see the young men.

6. * chemists to develop insecticides to kill the adult mosquito and its young, and researchers to develop drugs to treat malaria sufferers;
    * 化学家开发杀虫剂来消灭蚊子的成虫和幼虫,研究人员开发药品来治疗疟疾患者;

7. Even young students who plan on staying in the United States just long enough to finish two semesters of high school have difficulty finding a host family.

8. Especially the very young, the elderly and cigarette smokers are at high risk.

9. But as far as the two young men were concerned, every mile farther south increased their enthusiasm and excitement.

10. B. Yes, that´s one of the finest things about the book — it shows how young intellectuals grow into determined Communists through the Party´s education and the struggles they take part in.
    B. 是的,这就是这本书最好的一点——它展示了年轻的知识分子是怎样通过党的教育和他们所参与的斗争而成长为意志坚定的共产主义者的。
