

美音:[breθ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[breθ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


breath为中学词汇   词频:1768

近义词, 同义词

wind  draught  air  breath  breath of air  puff  whiff  zephyr  blow  breezeblow  waft  respire  breathe  puff  whiff  gasp  wheeze  ventilate  inflate  blow up    


/breθ; brɛθ/
1 (a) [U] (also infml 口语亦作 puff) air taken into and sent out of the lungs (呼吸的)空气
*You can see people's breath on a cold day. 冷天能看到人们呼出的空气.
* His breath smelt of garlic. 他呼出的气中有蒜味.
(b) [C] single act of taking air into the lungs 吸气
*take a deep breath, ie fill the lungs with air 深吸一口气.
2 ~ of sth [sing] slight movement of air; gently blowing (空气的)轻微流动; 微风
*There wasn't a breath of air/wind. 一点儿风都没有.
3 ~ of sth [sing] (fig 比喻) slight suggestion or rumour of sth; hint of sth 迹象; 暗示
*a breath of scandal 一丝流言蜚语
* the first breath of spring 早春的气息.
4 (idm 习语) a breath of fresh air
(a) opportunity to breathe clean air, esp out of doors 呼吸新鲜空气的机会(尤指户外).
(b) person or thing that is a welcome and refreshing change 带来起色的人或事物
*Her smile is a breath of fresh air in this gloomy office. 她的微笑给沉闷的办公室带来生气. the breath of `life (to/for sb) thing that stimulates or inspires (sb); thing that is necessary (to sb) (某人的)精神支柱; (某人)必不可少的东西
*Religion is the breath of life to/for her. 宗教是她不可或缺的精神支柱. catch one's breath => catch1. draw breath => draw2. draw one's first/last breath => draw2. get one's `breath (again/back) return to one's normal rate of breathing 恢复正常呼吸
*It took us a few minutes to get our breath back after the race. 赛跑後我们用了好几分钟才恢复了正常呼吸. hold one's `breath stop breathing for a short time (eg during a medical examination or from fear or excitement) 暂时屏住呼吸(如体检时或因恐惧、激动)
*How long can you hold your breath for? 你能屏住呼吸多久?
* The audience held its/their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope. 杂技演员走钢丝时, 观众都屏住了呼吸. in the same breath => same. lose one's breath => lose. one's last/dying `breath last moment of one's life 临终. (be) out of/short of `breath breathing very quickly (eg after running fast); panting hard 呼吸急促(如快跑以後); 喘不过气来; 上气不接下气
*His heart condition makes him sh


[Language: Old English;Origin: brAth]
the air that you send out of your lungs when you breathe
 Leo could smell the wine on her breath.
 Let your breath out slowly.
 He's got bad breath (=breath that smells unpleasant) .
air that you take into your lungs
 Eric came running into the room, out of breath (=having difficulty breathing because he had just been running) .
 She was fat and short of breath (=unable to breathe easily, especially because of ill health) .
gasp/fight etc for breath
(=breathe quickly because you are having difficulty breathing)
 When he reached the top of the stairs, his heart was pounding and he was gasping for breath.
an amount of air that you take into your lungs
take a (deep/long/big etc) breath
(=breathe in a lot of air at one time)
 Shaun took a deep breath and dived in.
a breath of fresh air
a) something that is new and different in a way you think is exciting and good
 Osborne's play brought a breath of fresh air to the British theatre.
b) clean air outside, which you feel you need after being inside for a long time
 I'm going outside for a breath of fresh air.
don't hold your breathinformal
used to say that something is not going to happen soon
 The system's due for an update, but don't hold your breath.
catch your breathalsoget your breath back
to start breathing normally again after running or making a lot of effort
 Slow down, I need a minute to catch my breath.
don't waste your breathalsosave your breath
spoken used to say that someone will not be able to persuade someone else, so there is no point in trying
 Save your breath. She's already made up her mind.
 Will he listen to me or will I just be wasting my breath?
take sb's breath away
to be extremely beautiful or exciting
 The view from the top will take your breath away.
under your breath
in a quiet voice so that no one can hear you
 'Son of a bitch,' he muttered under his breath.
in the same breath
a)alsoin the next breath
used to say that someone has said two things at once that are so different from each other they cannot both be true
 He criticized the film, then predicted in the same breath that it would be a great success.
b) if you mention two people or things in the same breath, you show that you think they are alike or are related
 I became nervous when the doctor mentioned my mother's name and 'cancer' in the same breath.
in the same breath as/with
 a young poet mentioned in the same breath as T.S. Eliot
with your last/dying breath
at the moment when you are dying
 With his last breath he cursed his captors.
a very small amount or a sign of something
breath of
 They did everything they could to avoid the slightest breath of scandal.
a breath of air/wind
literary a slight movement of air
 Scarcely a breath of air disturbed the stillness of the day.
with bated breathatbated,draw breathatdraw1 (24)
hold your breathathold1 (17)
HINT sense 1
Do not confuse the noun breath /breW/ with the verb breathe /bri:T/ She took a breath and continued. |I can't breathe in here!

1. By the time I was sixteen, my daughter's age, his breath was a wheeze, embarrassing to hear; he could not climb stairs without resting every third or fourth step.
    到我16岁, 也就是我女儿现在这般年龄时,他一呼吸就呼哧呼哧的,让人感到不安;他上楼时每走三、四级楼梯就得停下来休息一会儿。

2. The man held his breath.

3. That made us take a deep breath.

4. Now, all there was left with him was a desire to be permitted to exist, with now and then a little breath of genuine life, such as he was breathing now.

5. How long can I hold my breath?

6. He had so little breath that, during his last years, he was always leaning on something.

7. At a special swimming pool in Los Angeles, children become expert at holding their breath under water even before they can walk.

8. At any moment he expected to hear the creature, feel it knock him to the ground, smell its breath — meet death.

9. "So what do you think of Rich?" I finally asked, holding my breath.
    "那么你认为里奇怎么样?" 终于, 我屏住呼吸问道。

10. She got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon out of breath, but she continued to run.
