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consider为六级词汇   词频:349


名词:considerer 动词过去式:considered 过去分词:considered 现在分词:considering 第三人称单数:considers

近义词, 同义词



/kən'sɪdə(r); kən`sɪdɚ/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tw, Tg] ~ sb/sth (for/as sth) think about sb/sth, esp in order to make a decision; contemplate sb/sth 考虑某人[某事物](尤指以做决定为目的者); 细想
*We have considered your application carefully, but cannot offer you the job. 我们已经仔细地考虑了你的申请, 认为不能聘请你做这份工作.
* consider sb for a job/as a candidate 考虑让某人做某工作[作候选人]
* Have you considered how to get there? 你是否考虑过如何到达那里?
* We are considering going to Canada, ie we may go there. 我们正考虑到加拿大去.
2 [Tf, Cn.a, Cn.n, Cn.n/a, Cn.t] ~ sb/sth as sth be of the opinion; regard sb/sth as sth 认为; 视某人[某事物]为
*We consider that you are not to blame. 我们认为不该责怪你.
* We consider this (to be) very important. 我们认为这非常重要.
* Do you consider it wise to interfere? 你认为应该干预吗?
* He will be considered a weak leader. 他会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人.
* a painting previously considered as worthless, but which now turns out to be very valuable 一幅先前认为毫无价值的画, 现在却变成了珍品
* He's generally considered to have the finest tenor voice in the country. 现在公认他是该国最佳的男高音歌手.
* (fml 文) He's very well considered (ie people have a high opinion of him) within the company. 他在公司中受到很高的评价.
* Consider yourself (ie You are) under arrest. 你已被逮捕.
3 [Tn] take (sth) into account; make allowances for 考虑到(某事物); 体谅
*We must consider the feelings of other people. 我们必须顾及他人的感情.
* In judging him you should consider his youth. 在对他进行评审时, 你应该考虑到他还年轻.
4 [Tn] (fml 文) look at (sb/sth) carefully 细看(某人[某事物])
*He stood considering the painting for some minutes. 他站在那幅画前凝视了几分钟.
5 (idm 习语) all


1【think about】
3【people's feelings】
4【important fact】
6【look at】
7 Consider it done
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: considerer, from Latin considerare 'to look at the stars, look at closely, examine', from com- ( COM-) + sidus 'star']
to think about something carefully, especially before making a choice or decision
consider doing sth
 I seriously considered resigning (=almost actually resigned) .
consider the possibility of (doing) sth
 Have you considered the possibility of retraining?
consider whether (to do sth)
 We are considering whether to change our advice to tourists.
consider where/how/why etc
 We're still considering where to move to.
 We will have to consider your offer carefully .
be considering your position
formal (=be deciding whether or not to leave your job)
to think of someone or something in a particular way or to have a particular opinion
consider (that)
 The local authority considered that the school did not meet requirements.
consider sb/sth (to be) sth
 A further increase in interest rates is now considered unlikely.
 Liz Quinn was considered an excellent teacher.
 They consider themselves to be Europeans.
 I consider it a great honour to be invited.
consider it necessary/important etc to do sth
 I did not consider it necessary to report the incident.
consider sb/sth to do sth
 The campaign was considered to have failed.
consider yourself lucky/fortunate
(=believe you are lucky etc)
 Consider yourself lucky you weren't in the car at the time.
consider yourself (to be) sth
(=think of yourself as a particular type of person)
 They consider themselves to be middle class.
to think about someone or their feelings, and try to avoid upsetting them
 You've got to learn to consider other people!
 You never once considered my feelings in all this, did you?
to think about an important fact relating to something when making a judgment
 It's not surprising when you consider that he only arrived 6 months ago.
 All things considered , I'm sure we made the right decision.
to discuss something such as a report or problem, so that you can make a decision about it
 The committee has been considering the report.
【LOOK AT】 [T]formal
to look at someone or something carefully
 Henry considered the sculpture with an expert eye.
Consider it done
spoken used to say yes very willingly when someone asks you to do something for them
 'Could you drive me to the airport tomorrow?' 'Consider it done.'
all things consideredatthing22