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disappear为中学词汇   词频:1703


动词过去式:disappeared 过去分词:disappeared 现在分词:disappearing 第三人称单数:disappears 名词:disappearance

近义词, 同义词


fade-out  go-away  vanish  appear    


/,dɪsə'pɪə(r); ,dɪsə`pɪr/
1 [I]
(a) no longer be visible; vanish 消失; 失踪
*The plane disappeared behind a cloud. 飞机飞入云中不见了.
* The rash soon disappeared. 疹子很快就消了.
(b) stop existing 不复存在
*His anger soon disappeared. 他的怒气一会儿就消了.
* The problem won't just disappear. 这问题不会就这样不了了之的.
(c) be lost, esp without explanation 遗失(尤指无法解释的)
*My passport has disappeared
*it was in my pocket a moment ago. 我的护照丢了, 刚才还在口袋里呢.
* (euph 婉) Things tend to disappear when he's around, ie He steals them. 只要有他在, 东西就爱丢.
2 (idm 习语) do a disappearing act disappear, esp when needed or being looked for 失去踪影(尤指被需要或寻找时)
*It's typical of Bob to do a disappearing act just when there's work to be done! 一有事情要做, 鲍勃就没人影儿了, 他就是这样!


v [I]
to become impossible to see any longer
= vanish
appeardisappear behind/under/into etc
 The sun had disappeared behind a cloud.
disappear from view/sight
 David watched her car until it disappeared from view.
 At this point the path seemed to disappear altogether (=disappear completely) .
to be lost, or to become impossible to find
= vanish
 The two girls disappeared while walking home from school.
 My keys have disappeared again.
disappear without trace
BrE/without a trace
AmE (=without any way of finding them)
 75,000 soldiers simply disappeared without trace.
to stop existing
 The rain forest may disappear forever.
1. Whatever the truth may be, planes and ships regularly disappear in the triangle.

2. There is a post-midnight charge in London and Singapore, which explains why Singaporean taxis disappear after 11:30 PM and reappear at midnight.
    在伦敦和新加坡还有种午夜后收费,这就是为什么新加坡的出租车在晚上11: 30后就消失,直到半夜后才又出现的原因。

3. The skin is softer, smoother, wrinkles decrease but are not eliminated, and marks and fine brown lines disappear.

4. Rules could not be broken. And she had to watch that train disappear towards her destination while she was left behind.

5. It might disappear into the air quickly -- by becoming vapor, or gas.

6. It is the kind of moment in history when, to summarize in the words of Alfred North Whitehead, familiar patterns fade, familiar solutions fail, and familiar options disappear.
    一个引起恐慌的时刻。我们不妨用阿尔弗雷德·诺思·怀特海德的话来加以归纳: 在历史上的这种时刻,熟悉的模式在消退,熟悉的解决办法在失效,熟悉的选择在消失。
