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vi.潜水,跳水,下潜,俯冲 n.潜水,跳水,下潜,俯冲


dive为小学词汇   词频:4916


动词过去式:dived/dove 过去分词:dived 现在分词:diving 第三人称单数:dives

近义词, 同义词

plunge  dip  dive  plummetplunge  dip  dive  plummet    


drop  fall  plunge    


/daɪv; daɪv/
v (pt, pp dived; US also pt dove/dEUv; dov/)
1 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (from/off sth) (into sth); ~ (off/in) go head first into water (头先入水)跳水
*He dived from the bridge to rescue the drowning child. 他从桥上跳入水中去抢救那溺水儿童.
2 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (down) (for sth) (of a submarine, diver, etc) go under water or to a deeper level under water (指潜水艇、潜水员等)潜水
*The whale dived as the harpoon struck it. 鲸鱼被鱼叉射中後潜入水中.
* dive for pearls 潜水采珠.
3 [I, Ipr, Ip] (of an aircraft) go steeply downwards (指飞行器)急剧俯冲.
4 [Ipr] ~ into, under, etc sth move quickly in a specified direction 向某方向冲去或奔去
*dive under the bed 很快钻到床底下
* When the rain started, we dived into a cafe. 雨下了起来, 我们立即跑进了一家小餐馆.
5 (phr v) dive for sth move quickly towards or in search of sth 扑向某物; 急W
*dive for the phone, the gun, etc 急忙过去拿听筒、枪等
* We dived for cover when the storm started. 暴风雨来临时, 我们急忙寻找躲避的地方. dive into sth/in (fml 文)
(a) move one's hand quickly into sth 迅速将手伸入某物中
*dive into one's pocket, briefcase, etc 立即把手伸进衣袋、公事包等.
(b) involve oneself completely in sth 一心投入某事物
*dive into a new project 潜心钻研一个新项目.

/daɪv; daɪv/
1 act of diving 跳水或潜水的动作; 俯冲
*The goalkeeper made a spectacular dive to save the goal. 守门员做了一个精彩的鱼跃动作救回一球.
2 (infml 口) disreputable bar, gambling club, etc 低级酒馆、赌场等
*a low dive 下等酒吧.
1. The F-16 can fly straight up. It can spin, dive, turn, climb, roll, and make loops with the grace of an eagle.

2. Nobody did. But the next day people kidded him by saying it was the first time any fighter was urged to take a dive before the fight began.

3. How deep can I dive?

4. During my last dive in the finals, I enjoyed for the last time the quietness underwater and then swam to the side of the pool.

5. Action began with a rapid dive from 35,000 feet.

6. Until this dive, I had been ahead. But now, something else was more significant than winning.

7. Regardless, I made it into the finals. When we practiced the next morning, my coach made me start with the dive I'd hit my head on.

8. I climbed the ladder, heard my dive announced, and commenced the moves that would thrust me into the air.
