adj possessing skills or knowledge because you have done something often or for a long time ≠ inexperienced an experienced pilot an experienced public speaker She is experienced and self-assured. experienced in Blake's very experienced in microsurgery.
1. We have experienced what hardships mean. 我们体验过艰苦生活。
2. We have all experienced days when everything goes wrong. 我们大家都有过事事不顺心的日子。
3. The enormity of the crime has shocked even experienced policemen. 这件罪行极端凶残, 连经历丰富的警察都感震惊.
4. The crew was made up of strong and able men and the mates were experienced seamen of the first class. 船上的全体船员都是强壮能干的人,大副二副们都是第一流的有经验的海员.
5. During our two years together we had experienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know, understand, and respect each other. 在一起相处的两年中,我们经历了一对情侣在学着相互了解、理解和尊重时常常出现的磕磕碰碰。
6. All of us have experienced this sudden arrival of a new idea, but it is easiest to examine it in the great creative personalities, many of whom experienced it in an intensified form and have written it down in their life stories and letters. 我们都有过灵机一动突然有了这样一个新想法的经历,而这在那些富有创造性的天才人物身上最显而易见。他们中的许多人对这种经历有着强烈的感受,并在回忆录和信函中将其记录了下来。
7. "You call a taxi, and when the driver pulls over, you don't get in," an experienced traveler says. "你叫来一辆出租车,车来了后别急着上车," 一位有经验的游客说,
8. Such ineffable joy must be experienced; it can hardly be described. 这种内心的喜悦只能意会, 不能言传。
9. Most people of my father´s generation have experienced war. 我父亲的那一代人大都经历过战争.
10. I had experienced the pangs of hunger. 我曾经历过饥饿的折磨。