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friend为六级词汇   词频:296


名词:friendlessness 形容词:friendless 动词过去式:friended 过去分词:friended 现在分词:friending 第三人称单数:friends

近义词, 同义词



/frend; frɛnd/
1 person one knows and likes, but who is not a relation 朋友
*He's my friend. 他是我的朋友.
* We are all good friends. 我们都是好朋友.
* I've known her for years, but she was never a friend. 我认识她多年了, 但成不了朋友.
2 ~ of/to sth helper, supporter, or patron of sth 某事物的帮助者、支持者或赞助者
*a friend of the arts/the poor 有助于艺术的人、帮助贫民的人
* a friend of justice, peace, etc 维护正义、和平等的人
* You are invited to become a Friend of the Bristol Hospice, ie to contribute money regularly. 邀请您作布里斯托尔末期病人安养所的赞助人.
3 person who is of the same country, group, etc as oneself; ally 同胞; 国人; 自己人; 同盟者
*Who goes there friend or foe? 谁在那里--是自己人还是敌人?
* At last, among friends, he was free to speak his mind. 他终于向自己人倾诉衷肠.
4 thing that is very helpful or familiar 极有益或极熟悉的事物
*Honesty has always been his best friend. 忠实可靠一向使他受益匪浅.
* Let's look it up in our old friend, the dictionary. 让我们请教一下老朋友--字典吧.
5 Friend member of the Society of Friends; Quaker (基督教)公谊会教友.
6 (fml 文) person being addressed in public 在公开场合对人的称呼
*Our friend from China will now tell us about her research. 现在我们的中国朋友要向大家介绍她自己的研究情况.
* Friends, it is with great pleasure that I introduce... 朋友们, 我很高兴地介绍...
* My learned friend, ie used by a lawyer of another lawyer in a lawcourt 律师在法庭上的互称
* My honourable friend, ie used by a Member of Parliament to another Member of Parliament in the House of Commons 在下议院, 国会议员间的互称.
7 (idm 习语) be/make `friends (with sb) be/become a friend (of sb) 是[成为](某人的)朋友; 交朋友
*They soon forgot their differences and were friends again, ie after a quarrel. 他们不久就捐弃前嫌而重归于好.
* David finds it hard to make friends (with other children). 戴维觉得(与别的孩子)交朋友是很难的事. a ,friend in `need (is a ,friend in`deed) (saying 谚) a friend who helps one when one needs help (is a true friend) 患难之交(是真交).


1【person you like】
2 be friends (with somebody)
4 be just (good) friends
6【not an enemy】
7【parliament/court of law】
8 be no friend of something
9 Friend
10 our/your friend
11 have friends in high places
12 a friend in need
[Language: Old English;Origin: freond]
someone who you know and like very much and enjoy spending time with
 Jerry, this is my friend Lucinda.
Is this man a friend of yours ?
Julia was the wife of his best friend .
 One of her closest friends died at the weekend.
I didn't expect this treatment from my father's oldest friend .
She told this to only a few trusted friends .
I met Stephano through a friend of a friend .
Few people smoke in my circle of friends .
 Jill is a mutual friend of ours.
be friends (with sb)
to be someone's friend
 I've been friends with the Murkets for twenty years.
a) make friends
to become friendly with people
 Jenny has always found it easy to make friends at school.
b) make friends with sb
to become friendly with someone
 He made friends with an old fisherman.
be just (good) friends
used to say that you are not having a romantic relationship with someone
 I'm not going out with Nathan - we're just good friends.
someone who supports an organization such as a theatre, art gallery, charity etc by giving money or help
friend of
 the Friends of the Tate
someone who has the same beliefs, wants to achieve the same things etc as you, and will support you
 our friends and allies around the world
 She shot him a quick glance as if unsure whether he was friend or foe.
 Don't worry, you're among friends.
BrEa) my honourable friend
used by a member of parliament when speaking about another member of parliament
b) my learned friend
used by a lawyer when speaking about another lawyer in a court of law
be no friend of sth
to not like or be a supporter of something
 I'm no friend of socialism, as you know.
a member of the Society of Friends
= quaker
our/your friend
spoken used humorously to talk about someone you do not know, who is doing something annoying
 Our friend with the loud voice is back.
have friends in high places
to know important people who can help you
a friend in need
someone who helps you when you need it
COLLOCATES for sense 1
a friend of mine/yours/Billy's etc
best friend (=the friend you like the most)
good/close friend (=one of the friends you like the most)
old friend (=a friend you have known for a long time)
trusted friend
lifelong friend (=someone who is your friend for the whole of your life)
friend of a friend
circle of friends (=all the friends someone has)
a mutual friend (=someone who is a friend of both you and someone else)
a childhood/boyhood/girlhood friend
WORD FOCUS: friend
similar words: mate(BrE informal), buddy(AmE informal), pal(informal), chum(BrE informal), crony(disapproving)

1. Bassanio, Antonio´s best friend, was in love with Portia, a rich andbeautiful lady who also loved him.

2. But George was unsympathetic. ´Oh, that,´ he said with a smile as if he were talking about an old friend.

3. C.You decide to present your point of view; you explain your reasoning seriously to your friend.

4. While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.
    我的朋友乔治正在床上看书时. 两个贼爬进了他的厨房.

5. Without something of this kind, searching for intelligences on other planets would be like trying to meet a friend in London without a pre-arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter.

6. When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear.

7. While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.

8. With a smile, he asked his friend, "What did the bear tell you when he put his nose so close to your ears?"

9. When I was taught to say "I see a book on the desk" and "I´m going to see a friend", I thought I had learned everything about the word see.

10. We can't really call a friend to say we got a parcel from our sister, or it's getting dark earlier now, or we don't trust that new Supreme Court justice.
