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happy为六级词汇   词频:792


名词:happiness 副词:happily 形容词比较级:happier 最高级:happiest

近义词, 同义词


blissful  bright  cheerful  contented  glad  joyful  radiant  unhappy    


/'hæpɪ; `hæpɪ/
adj (-ier, -iest)
1 ~ (about/in/with sth/sb) feeling or expressing pleasure, contentment,satisfaction, etc 有愉快、满意、满足等感受或表现的; 快乐的; 幸福的
*a happy marriage, scene, memory, child, ending (to a book, etc) 美满的婚姻、欢喜的场面、愉快的回忆、幸福的孩子、(书等的)圆满的结尾
* I won't be happy until I know she's safe. 我只有在知道她平安无事之後才会感到高兴.
* Are you happy in your work/withyour life? 你对工作[对生活]是否满意?
2 (in greetings) full of joy (祝愿用语)快乐的
*Happy birthday! 祝你生日快乐!
* Happy Christmas! 祝你圣诞节快乐!
3 [pred 作表语] ~ to do sth (fml 文) pleased to do sth 乐于做某事
*I am happy to be of service. 我很愿意提供帮助.
4 fortunate; lucky 幸运的; 运气好的
*He is in the happy position of never having to worry about money. 他真有福气, 从来不需要为金钱之事操心.
5 (of words, ideas, behaviour, etc) well suited to the situation; pleasing (指言语、思想、行为等)恰如其分的, 令人满意的
*That wasn't a very happy choice of words. 那样的措辞并不十分恰当.
6 (idm 习语) (as) happy as the day is `long/as a `sandboy/as `Larry very happy 非常快乐.a happy e`vent the birth of a child 弄璋或弄瓦之喜. a/the happy `medium thing that achieves a satisfactory avoidance of excess; balance between extremes 中庸之道; 折衷办法
*be/find/seek a happy medium 是[找/寻求]一个折衷办法. many happy re`turns (of the `day) (used as a greeting to sb on his or her birthday 用作生日的祝词).


adj comparativehappiersuperlativehappiest

[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: hap 'chance, luck' (13-20 centuries), from Old Norse happ]
having feelings of pleasure, for example because something good has happened to you or you are very satisfied with your life
 It's a lovely house and we've been very happy here.
 I've never felt happier in my life.
 He was a happy child who rarely cried.
 the happy faces of the children
 I loved her and thought I could make her happy .
happy to do sth
 John will be so happy to see you.
happy (that)
 I'm happy that everything worked out well in the end.
be/feel happy for sb
 What a wonderful opportunity! I'm so happy for you.
happy in your work/job etc
happy to be doing sth
 We're very happy to be taking part.
the happy couple
(=a couple that have just got married or will soon get married)
[usually before noun]
a happy time, relationship, event etc is a good one that makes you feel happy
 This has been the happiest day of my life.
 They had a very happy marriage.
 I have lots of happy memories of the place.
 The story has a happy ending , however.
 When's the happy event (=the birth of your child) ?
[not before noun]
satisfied or not worried
happy with
 On the whole, I'm happy with the way I look.
 People living nearby are not happy with the decision.
happy about
 Mom wasn't happy about Tess going off travelling on her own.
 I pretended to agree with her, just to keep her happy .
happy doing sth
 I'm quite happy doing what I'm doing.
be happy to do sth
to be very willing to do something, especially to help someone
 Our team will be happy to help.
 I'd be happy to take you in my car.
Happy Birthday/New Year/Christmas etc
used to wish someone happiness on a special occasion
 Happy Birthday, Michael!
 Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
many happy returns
used to wish someone happiness on their birthday
[only before noun]
fortunate or lucky
 By a happy coincidence , James was also in town that weekend.
 I'm in the happy position of not having to work.
a happy medium (between sth and sth)
a way of doing something that is not extreme but is somewhere between two possible choices
 I always tried to strike a happy medium between having a home that looked like a bomb had hit it and becoming obsessively tidy.
[only before noun]formal
 His choice of words was not a very happy one.
WORD FOCUS: words meaning happy
cheerful behaving in a way that shows you are happy
in a good mood happy at a particular time, and therefore friendly to other people
pleased/glad happy because something good has happened
delighted/thrilled/overjoyed/ecstatic very happy because something good has happened
contented happy with your life
optimistic/positive believing that good things will happen in the future
gleeful/gloating smug happy because something bad has happened to someone else

1. We are We are both happy because our parents are kind.

2. When I think of the past, I feel happy.
    一想起往事, 我就觉得快乐.

3. We are happy.

4. We were happy to see that most of them were growing well.

5. With her highest hopes and wildest dreams fulfilled, I know she died happy.

6. Then I left him standing by the counter so happy that I almost envied him.

7. The writer contrived a happy ending.

8. Their marriage was a happy one.

9. The melodious voice of the young girl made him so happy.

10. The news rendered her happy.
