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knit为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3262


名词:knitter 动词过去式:knit/knitted 过去分词:knit/knitted 现在分词:knitting 第三人称单数:knits

近义词, 同义词

tie  pinion  string  strap  sew  lace  tat  stitch  tack  knit  button  buckle  hitch  lash  truss  bandage  braid  splice  swathe  gird  tether  moor  picket  harness  chain  fetter  restrain  lock  latch  belay  brace  hook  grapple  leash  couple  link  yoke  bracket  marry  wed  bridge over  span  braze  pin  nail  bolt  hasp  clasp  clamp  crimp  screw  rivet  solder  set  weld together  fuse together  wedge  rabbet  mortise  miter  jam  dovetail    


connect  fasten  join  unite  unknit    


/nɪt; nɪt/
v (-tt-, pt, pp knitted; in sense 3, usu 用于下述第三义时通常作knit)
1 [I, Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (for sb) make (a garment or fabric) by forming wool, silk, etc yarn into connecting loops, either by hand (using long needles) or on a machine 编织, 针织(衣物等)
*Do you know how to knit? 你会织毛活儿吗?
* She knitted her son a sweater. 她给儿子织了一件毛衣.
2 [I, Tn] (in knitting instructions) make a plain (ie not a purl) stitch (编织法中)织(平针)
*knit one, purl one 织一正针、一反针.
3 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (together)(cause sth to) join or grow firmly together (使某物)连接或牢固地长在一起
*The broken bones have knit (together) well. 断骨已愈合良好.
* a well-knit frame, ie a compact sturdy body 结实的体格
* (fig 比喻) a closely-knit argument 严密的论据
* (fig 比喻) The two groups are knit together by common interests. 这两集团因有共同利益而联合在一起.
4 (idm 习语) knit one's `brow(s) frown 皱眉.


v present participleknitting [I and T]

[Language: Old English;Origin: cnyttan]
past tense and past participleknitted
to make clothing out of wool, using two knitting needles
 My grandmother taught me how to knit.
 She's knitting a sweater.
knit sb sth
 Emily knitted him some socks.
past tense and past participleknitted
to use a plain (=basic) knitting stitch
 Knit one, purl one.
past tense and past participleknit
to join people, things, or ideas more closely together, or to be joined closely together
knit together
 In a good report, individual sentences knit together in a clear way that readers can follow.
closely/tightly etc knit
(=with all the members having close relationships)
 a closely knit community
 Harold is part of a tightly knit team.
past tense and past participleknit
a bone that knits after being broken grows into one piece again
knit together
 The pin holds the bones in place while they knit together.
knit your brows
to show you are worried, thinking hard etc by moving your eyebrows together
close-knit, tight-knit
1. Knit the brows and you´ll hit upon a stratagem.
    眉头一皱, 计上心来。

2. She likes bulky knit sweaters.
