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n.缺乏,短缺的东西 vt.缺乏,没有,需要 vi.缺乏,没有


lack为高中词汇   词频:2816


动词过去式:lacked 过去分词:lacked 现在分词:lacking 第三人称单数:lacks

近义词, 同义词


need  require  want  fill    


/læk; læk/
1 [Tn no passive 不用于被动语态] be without (sth); have less than enough of 没有(某事物); 缺乏; 缺少; 不足
*lack creativity, self-discipline, courage 缺乏创造性、自制力、勇气
* They lacked the money to send him to university. 他们没钱送他上大学.
* What he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm. 他热心工作以弥补其经验的不足.
2 [Ipr no passive 不用于被动语态] ~ for sth (fml 文) need sth 需耍某事物
*They lacked for nothing, ie had everything they wanted. 他们无所需求(已应有尽有).
3 (idm 习语) be `lacking not be available when needed 不敷所需
*Money for the project is still lacking. 进行这个项目的钱还没有着落. be lacking in sth not have enough of sth 不足; 不够
*be lacking in warmth, courage, strength 缺乏温暖、勇气、力气
* The film was lacking in pace. 这部影片不紧凑. have/lack the courage of one's convictions => courage.

n [U, sing] absence or shortage (of sth that is needed) (所需事物的)缺乏, 短缺
*a lack of care, money, water 缺乏关心、金钱、水
* The project had to be abandoned for (ie because of) lack of funds. 工程因资金匮乏只得放弃.
1. Elsewhere we encountered ribbing, imitating, lack of trust, and rude stares.
    在所有其他地方, 我们遭遇到了嘲笑戏弄、学我们的模样、不信任及无礼的目光。

2. Be honest and open about who you really are. People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors — their looks or status — in order to feel good about themselves.

3. But most wonder if it's worth it given their respective lack of affection for each other.

4. Benbow says she was surprised that the talented girls should lack this pattern of response.

5. The man accused of stealing the money was acquitted for lack of witnesses .

6. The project foundered as a result of lack of finance.

7. lack of physical and mental energy, both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away, and sentiment.

8. The youngsters frequently show their lack of practice at such things. They take along unnecessary items.

9. The lack of green space is now recognized and understood as a problem.

10. They can also show a lack of patience, displeasure, or judgment — any of which would prevent people from opening up.
