副词:respectably 名词:respectableness
spec,spect=to see,to look(看见)
近义词, 同义词
/rɪ'spektəbl; rɪ`spɛktəbl/
1 of acceptable social position; decent and proper in appearance or behaviour 体面的; 有身分的; 正派的; 值得尊敬的
*a respectable married couple 一对值得尊敬的夫妻
* a respectable middle-class background, upbringing, etc 体面的中产阶级的出身、正派人所受的教养
* She looked perfectly respectable in her bathrobe at breakfast. 她用早餐时穿着浴衣, 真够风雅的.
* (ironic 反语) He's a bit too respectable (ie staid and conventional) for my tastes. 他老成持重未免过分, 我可不欣赏.
2 of a moderately good standard or size, etc; not bringing disgrace or embarrassment 达到一定标准或规模的; 不丢脸的
*There was quite a respectable crowd at the match on Saturday. 星期六观看比赛的人相当多. *
20000 is a very respectable salary. 20000英镑的薪金是非常可观的.
* Hunt jumped a respectable round although his horse was unfit. 亨特的马状态欠佳, 但他纵马跳障碍这一轮还算不错.
adjsomeone who is respectable behaves in a way that is considered socially acceptable
hard-working, respectable people a respectable family Put a tie on - it'll make you look more respectable.good or satisfactory
decent a respectable income Her exam results were respectable enough.>respectablyadv>respectability [rɪ,spektə'bɪlɪti/
1. Besides being an upright and respectable woman she was also a very sensible one. 她是个正派体面的女人,也是个非常明智的女人。
2. We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers for years. 在小说中,我们经常读到一个表面上受人尊重的人物或家庭,却有着某种多年不为人所知的骇人听闻的秘密。
3. How dare you talk to a respectable woman like that? 你怎么可以对一个良家女子说那样的话?
4. She wanted to reach out her hand in the darkness and touch him — which she might have done if she had not been a respectable woman. 她想在夜色里伸出手去触摸他--要不是个正派女子,她真会这么做。
5. It was respectable to be a doctor, but not a surgeon who split people´s blood. 作一个医生是受人敬重的,但作一个使人流血的外科医生却是另一回事。
6. For more than half an hour 38 respectable Brooklyn, New York citizens watched a man attack and stab (刺杀) a woman three separate times. 在半个多小时的时间里,纽约布鲁克林区38名体面的居民旁观了一名男子三次袭击并最终刺死一名女子的过程。