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restraint为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4630


string,strict,strain,stress=to draw tight(拉紧)

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/rɪ'streɪnt; rɪ`strent/
n (fml 文)
1 [U] restraining or being restrained 抑制; 遏制; 管制; 约束
*submit to/break loose from restraint 忍受[摆脱]束缚
* The child's affections were kept under/suffered continualrestraint. 那孩子的感情一直受到压抑.
2 [C] ~ (on sb/sth) thing that checks or controls; restriction 起遏制作用的事物; 管制措施; 约束力
*the restraints on the family budget of a limited income 有限的收入对家庭开支预算的约束
* throw off the restraints of convention 打破常规
* impose restraints on wage settlements 对工资的协议加以限制.
3 [U] ~ (in sth) avoidance of exaggeration or excess; moderation 克制; 节制; 适度
*He showed/exercised considerable restraint in not suing for a divorce. 他极力克制自己, 不提出离婚诉讼.
4 (idm 习语) without re`straint without control; freely 无拘无束地; 自由地
*talk, weep without restraint 畅谈、痛哭.


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: restreinte, from restreindre; RESTRAIN]
calm sensible controlled behaviour, especially in a situation when it is difficult to stay calm
 The police were praised for their restraint in handling the demonstrators.
show/exercise restraint
 He urged the millions of protesters to exercise restraint.
[>C usually plural, U]
a rule or principle that limits what people can do
restraint on
 Opposition politicians have called for restraints on public spending.
 The government has imposed restraints on corporate mergers.
physical force that is used to hold someone back, especially because they are likely to be violent
 Sometimes police officers have to use physical restraint to control dangerous prisoners.
something that prevents someone from moving freely, such as a rope or a seat belt
1. His rage was beyond restraint.

2. As they consume these resources without restraint, they also waste large amounts of them.
