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salad为小学词汇   词频:4511



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/'sæləd; `sæləd/
1 (a) [C, U] (dish of) chopped, usu raw, vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, often seasoned with oil, vinegar, etc 色拉; (一盘)凉拌生菜
*prepare/mix a salad 调配[调拌]色拉
* cold beef and salad 牛肉和生菜冷盘
* [attrib 作定语] a salad bowl, shaker, etc 色拉碗、搅拌器等.
(b) [C, U] (dish of a) specified food served with salad (一盘)有色拉的凉拌食品
*a/some chicken, ham, lobster, etc salad 一盘[一些]凉拌鸡肉、火腿、龙虾等色拉.
2 [U] lettuce, endive or other green vegetable suitable for eating raw 生菜(适于生吃的). =>illus 见插图.
3 (idm 习语) one's `salad days time when one is young and inexperienced 少不更事的时期
*I was in my salad days then, and fell in love easily. 我那时年纪轻、涉世未深, 极易堕入情网.


n [U and C]

[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: salade, from Old Provençal salada, from salar 'to add salt to', from sal 'salt']
a mixture of raw vegetables, especially lettuce, cucumber, and tomato
 Would you like some salad with your pasta?
 a spinach salad
toss a salad
(=mix it all together, usually with a dressing)
raw or cooked food cut into small pieces and served cold
fruit/potato salad
HINT sense 1
Salad is a type of cold food made from vegetables. The green leafy vegetable that you often use in salads is called lettuce.

1. We mix oil and vinegar to put on salad.

2. The salad had an exceedingly acetic flavor.

3. The salad had an exceedingly acetic flavor.

4. He mixed his guests a salad.

5. He dislikes salad.

6. However, tending window boxes isn't the same as being an amateur gardener and growing peas, tomatoes and salad greens in a backyard garden.

7. She put some lemon juice in the salad.

8. I'm sitting on a bench at the playground, eating a chicken salad next to four woman nannies, all twice my age.
