

美音:[self ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[self ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.自己,自我,本性,本质,本人,私心 vt.使近亲繁殖,使自花授精 vi.自花授精 adj.同一的


self为六级词汇   词频:2284



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/self; sɛlf/
n (pl selves / selvz; sZlvz/)
1 (a) [U] one's own nature, special qualities, etc; one's personality (个人的)本性, 本质; 自我; 自己
*the commitment of the whole self to a relationship 对一种关系全身心的奉献
* analysis of the self 对自己的分析
* the conscious self 意识到的自我.
(b) [C] particular part of one's nature 个人本性的某一方面
*one's better self, ie one's generous qualities 个人好的一面
* By doing that he showed his true self, ie what he is really like. 他那样做显示了他的本性.
* She's her old self again, ie has recovered her usual health, composure, etc. 她又恢复了老样子.
2 [U] one's own interest, advantage or pleasure 私利
*You always put self first. 你总是把个人利益放在首位.
* She has no thought of self, ie is always more concerned for other people. 她从不为自己打算.
3 [C] (commerce or fml or joc 商或文或谑) myself, yourself, himself, etc 我自己、你自己、他自己等
*a cheque payable to self, ie to the person whose signature is on it 付给自己的支票
* Mr Jones, your good self (ie you) and I 琼斯先生, 您和我.
4 (idm 习语) a shadow of one's/its former self =>shadow.


npluralselves [selvz/