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signature为高中词汇   词频:4206


sign=to mark(加上记号)

近义词, 同义词


/'sɪgnətʃə(r); `sɪˇnətʃɚ/
1 (a) [C] person's name written by himself 签名; 签字; 署名
*a document with two signatures on it 经两人签署的文件
* Her signature is almost illegible. 她的签字很难辨认.
(b) [U] action of signing sth 签名; 签字; 签署
*a contract ready for signature 准备签字的合同.
2 [C] section of a book made from one sheet of paper folded and cut 书帖(一整张平版纸摺叠切割而成的一沓, 为书芯的一部分).


[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Old French;Origin:Medieval Latin signatura, from Latin signare; SIGN2]
your name written in the way you usually write it, for example at the end of a letter, or on a cheque etc to show that you have written it
 Her signature is totally illegible (=cannot be read) .
 The school collected 4000 signatures for the petition.
 The Ukranians put their signatures to the Lisbon Protocol.
 Someone's forged my signature (=made an illegal copy of my name to deceive people) on this letter.
 Each child must obtain the signature of his or her parents.
the act of signing something
for signature
 We will send you a copy of the agreement for signature.
[C usually singular]
something that is closely related to an event, person, or style
 The shapes in the paintings are easily recognised as his signature.
 Smith's signature singing style
key signature, time signature
HINT sense 1
Your signature is what you write when you sign your name. The act of putting a signature on something is called signing:the signing of the treaty

1. He gives the bank his signature.

2. He gives the bank specimens of his signature, and there is a very firm rule that the bank has no right or authority to pay out a customer´s money on a cheque on which its customer´s signature has been forged.

3. It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very skilful one: the bank must recognize its customer´s signature.
