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stiff为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4668


名词:stiffness 副词:stiffly 形容词:stiffish 形容词比较级:stiffer 最高级:stiffest 动词过去式:stiffed 过去分词:stiffed 现在分词:stiffing 第三人称单数:stiffs

近义词, 同义词


difficult  firm  formal  hard  inflexible  rigid  stilted  taut  tense  tight  tough  unnatural  limp    


/stɪf; stɪf/
adj (-er, -est)
1 not easily bent, folded, moved, changed in shape, etc 不易弯曲、打摺、移动、变形等的; 坚硬的; 僵直的
*a sheet of stiff cardboard 一块硬纸板
* a stiff drawer 很紧的抽屉
* a stiff pair of shoes 一双硬邦邦的鞋
* have a stiff neck, ie painful and difficult to move 颈部强直
* feel stiff (ie have stiff muscles and joints) after a long walk 走长路後感觉肢体发僵.
2 thick and hard to stir; not liquid 稠的; 难搅拌的; 非液态的
*Stir the flour and milk to a stiff paste. 把面粉和牛奶搅成很稠的糊.
3 (a) hard to do; difficult 不好做的; 因难的
*a stiff climb 吃力的攀登
* a stiff exam 难度大的考试.
(b) severe; tough 严厉的; 激烈的
*The judge imposed a stiff sentence. 法官做出了严厉的判决.
* Competition is stiff. 竞争很激烈.
4 formal in manner, behaviour, etc; not friendly (态度、举止等)生硬的, 拘谨的, 不友好的
*Their manner was rather stiff. 他们的态度很生硬.
5 (infml 口) (of a price) (too) high (指价格)(太)高
*pay a stiff membership fee 缴纳很高的会费.
6 (of a breeze) blowing strongly (指风)强劲的, 猛烈的.
7 (of an alcoholic drink) strong and undiluted (指酒)烈性的, 未经稀释的
*That was a shock I need a stiff drink! 这可真吓人--我得喝点烈酒了!
* a stiff glass of rum 一杯纯的朗姆酒.
8 (idm 习语) stiff/straight as a ramrod => ramrod. (keep) a stiff upper lip (show) an ability to appear calm and unworried when in pain, trouble, etc (遇痛苦、困难等时)(表现)沉着而坚强的能力, 咬紧牙关.

adv (infml 口) to an extreme degree; very much 极度地; 非常
*worried/scared/frozen stiff 非常担心[极其害怕/冻僵]
* The opera bored me stiff. 这个歌剧真把我腻烦透了.

n (sl 俚) dead body; corpse 死尸, 尸体(尤指人的).
1. The ice has made everything stiff.

2. I poured a stiff drink and, soon, two uniformed officers of the LAPD arrived. They took a report and admitted the "important thing" was nobody was hurt.
    我刚为自己倒了一杯烈性酒,两个穿制服的洛杉矶警察局的警察就到了。他们对此事作了笔录,说 "幸好"没有伤人。
