

美音:[tri:t ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[tri:t ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.宴请,款待,请客 vt.视为,对待,论述,治疗,款待 vi.交涉,谈判,协商,款待,作东


treat为中学词汇   词频:5680


名词:treater 动词过去式:treated 过去分词:treated 现在分词:treating 第三人称单数:treats


tract,treat=to draw(拉曳)

近义词, 同义词

amuse  entertain  divert  enliven  titillate  cheer  rejoice  please  treat  regale    



/tri:t; trit/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.n/a] ~ sb (as/like sth) act or behave in a certain way towards sb 对待某人
*They treat their children very badly. 他们对待子女很不好.
* You should treat them with more consideration. 你应该多体谅他们一点.
* Don't treat me as (if I were) an idiot. 别把我当傻瓜.
2 [Cn.n/a] ~ sth as sth consider sth in a certain way 把某事物看作; 视某事物为
*I decided to treat his remark as a joke, eg instead of being offended by it. 我把他的话当作玩笑话(如不为此生气).
3 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] deal with or discuss (a subject)探讨, 讨论(问题)
*The problem has been better treated in other books. 这问题在其他书里说得更清楚.
* The documentary treated the question in some detail. 这部记录片探讨这个问题有些深度.
(b) [Ipr] ~ of sth (dated or fml 旧或文) (of a book, lecture, etc) be about sth (指书、讲座等)论及某事物
*an essay treating of philosophicaldoubt 涉及哲学上有关怀疑的论文.
4 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth; ~ sb (for sth) give medical or surgical care to (a person or a condition) 医治(人或疾病)
*a new drug to treat rheumatism 治疗风湿病的新药
* Last year the hospital treated over forty cases of malaria. 去年这所医院医治了四十余例疟疾病人.
* She was treated for sunstroke.她因中暑接受治疗.
5 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sth) apply a process or a substance to sth to protect it, preserve it, etc (用防护措施或物质)处理某物
*wood treated with creosote 用杂酚油处理过的木材
* treat crops with insecticide 用杀虫剂处理作物.
6 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/oneself (to sth) give sb/oneself sth enjoyable, eg special food or entertainment, at one's own expense 以某事物(如食物或娱乐)款待某人或使自己获得享受
*She treated each of the children to an ice-cream. 她请孩子每人吃个冰激凌.
* I decided to treat myself to a taxi, eg instead of walking. 我决定坐他一次计程车.
* We were treated to the unusual sight of the Prime Minister singing on TV. 我们有幸目睹首相上电视一展歌喉的难得场面.
7 [Ipr] ~ with sb (dated or fml 旧或文) negotiate with sb 与某人谈判
*The government refuses to treat with terrorists. 当局拒绝与恐怖分子谈判.
8 (idm 习语) treat sb like `dirt/a `dog (infml 口) treat sb with no respect at all 视某人如草芥
*They treat their workers like dirt. 他们把工人看得粪土不如.

1 thing that gives great pleasure, esp sth unexpected or not always available 乐事, 乐趣(尤指意想不到的或难得的)
*Smoked salmon what a treat! 吃熏大马哈鱼--那可太棒了!
* Her son's visits are a greattreat for her. 她儿子来看望她, 她心里喜滋滋的.
2 act of treating (treat 6) sb to sth 款待; 招待; 请客
*This is my treat, ie I'll pay. 这次我请客.
3 (idm 习语) a Dutch treat => Dutch. trick or treat => trick n.
1. * chemists to develop insecticides to kill the adult mosquito and its young, and researchers to develop drugs to treat malaria sufferers;
    * 化学家开发杀虫剂来消灭蚊子的成虫和幼虫,研究人员开发药品来治疗疟疾患者;

2. They treat their children very badly.

3. That means, for example, that a doctor in Europe who is particularly learned will be able to treat patients in America after viewing their records via computer, deciding the correct dose of medicine to give the patient, or perhaps even remotely contr

4. He turned a little pale, for he had been saving just that sum to buy a gun and treat himself to a little hunting trip the following summer.

5. "We can treat the infection with drugs and she'll probably get better in a week," he says. "When I say better, I mean she'll go on as she has — until some other germ comes along.
    "我们可以用药物治疗感染,一周后她可能会好起来," 他说,"我说‘好起来’,是指她会保持她感染前的状况——直到出现某种别的病菌。

6. You should treat him fairly.

7. You must treat others with justice.

8. Some of my acquaintances in the country come up to town once or twice a year to visit the theatre as a special treat.

9. Some children grab for the treat the minute he's out the door.

10. Some preschoolers grabbed the treat immediately, but others were able to wait what, for them, must have seemed an endless 20 minutes.
