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university为中学词汇   词频:893




vrs,vert=to turn(转移;改变;转向)

近义词, 同义词


/,ju:nɪ'vɜ:sətɪ; ,junə`vɝsətɪ/ n
(a) [C] (colleges,buildings, etc of an) institution that teaches and examinesstudents in many branches of advanced learning, awardingdegrees and providing facilities for academic research 大学, 综合性高等学府(的学院、建筑物等)
*She hopes to go to university next year. 她希望明年能上大学.
* [attrib 作定语] a university student, lecturer, professor, etc 大学生、讲师、教授.
(b) [CGp] members of such an institution collectively 大学师生员工. =>Usage at school1 用法见 school1.


npluraluniversities [U and C]

[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: université, from Medieval Latin universitas, from Late Latin, 'society, association', from Latin, 'the whole', from universus; UNIVERSE]
an educational institution at the highest level, where you study for a degree
go to university
(=study at a university)
at universityBrE
 He studied Physics at university.
 Oxford University
university of
 the University of Texas
university student/lecturer/professor etc
 a university education
1. Cars lumbered past Magdalen and the University Church.

2. When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university,

3. The general arts course at the university encompasses a wide range of subjects.

4. The teachers nurtured many students in their university.

5. There was an old building at the back of the university where PierreCurie had been working.

6. This book is published by Oxford University Press.

7. The student is under the threat of expulsion from the university.

8. The matching process is also complicated by a philosophical debate among housing managers concerning the flavor of university life:

9. The importance of this trait to success was shown in an experiment begun in the 1960s by Walter Mischel at a preschool on the Stanford University campus.

10. The importance of good people skills was demonstrated by Robert Kelley of Carnegie-Mellon University and Janet Caplan in a study at Bell Labs.
