名词:vigorousness 副词:vigorously
近义词, 同义词
/'vɪgərəs; `vɪˇərəs/
(a) strong, active or energetic 强壮的; 积极的; 有力的
*avoid vigorous exercise, exertion, etc 避免强度大的锻炼、劳动等
* vigorous supporters of human rights 积极拥护人权运动的人.(b) using forceful language, etc 语言犀利的
*vigorous debate, criticism, opposition, etc 有力的争辩、批评、反对等
* the poem's vigorous rhythms 这首诗铿锵的韵律.
using a lot of energy and strength or determination
Your dog needs at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise every day.
Environmentalists have begun a vigorous campaign to oppose nuclear dumping in the area.
a vigorous debate
Vigorous efforts are being made to find a solution to the problem.
The measures provoked vigorous opposition in right-wing circles.
strong and healthy
a vigorous young man
1. The epidemic disease was kept under control by the authorities´ vigorous action. 当局采取有力措施,控制住此种传染病的蔓延。
2. That is, Gaston greatly desired it; but this desire yielded to his honorable wife's vigorous opposition. 也就是说,加斯顿很希望这样,但经不住他那品行高洁的妻子的强烈反对。
3. His memory was most vigorous and accurate. 他的记忆力极为活跃而且准确。
4. His studies with rats have demonstrated two primary effects of activity: vigorous physical exercise provides the brain with more fuel, and skill-based exercise increases the formation of connections in the brain, which, according to the proposals of 他对老鼠的研究已经表明运动具有两大功效:强力体育运动给大脑提供更多的燃料,而技巧性的运动则增强大脑神经的联结。依照某些科学家的见解,这种联结能使大脑更好地处理信息。
5. At the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous. 人体在12岁时是生命力最旺盛的时期。
6. She gave the floor a vigorous sponge all over. 她用海绵把地板使劲儿擦了一遍.
7. On the one hand, you cannot bear to see your once vigorous mother living the painful, limited life to which the stroke has condemned her. 一方面,你不忍心看着自己一度精力充沛的母亲活在因中风而变得痛苦而有限的生命里。
8. It will be low because it will be necessary to have only one vigorous man looking after each job, 这种费用之所以会低,是因为只需要一个精力旺盛的人照管一件工作,
9. If we could stay as vigorous as we are at twelve, it would take about 700 years for half of us to die, and another 700 for the survivors to be reduced by half again. 假如我们能保持12岁时的旺盛生命力,那么我们当中的一半人过700年才会死去,剩下的一半人再过700年,才会又减少一半。