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charity为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2180



近义词, 同义词




/'tʃærətɪ; `tʃærətɪ/
1 [U] loving kindness towards others 慈善; 慈悲; 慈爱; 仁爱.
2 [U] tolerance in judging others; kindness; leniency 宽容; 宽厚; 仁慈; 宽大
*judge people with charity 宽厚度人.
3 [U]
(a) (generosity in) giving money, food, help, etc to the needy 施舍; 布施; 慷慨
*do sth out of charity 出于慷慨助人而做某事物
* raise money for charity 为施舍助人而集资
* [attrib 作定语] a charity ball, concert, jumble sale, etc 慈善舞会、音乐会、义卖等.
(b) help given in this way (慷慨施舍的)帮助
*live on/off charity 靠赈济生活.
4 [C] society or organization for helping the needy 慈善团体
*Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine. 许多慈善团体捐款赈济饥民.
5 (idm 习语) charity begins at `home (saying 谚) a person's first duty is to help and care for his own family 慈善先惠及家人(一个人的首要责任是帮助和照顾自己的家庭).


[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French;Origin: charité, from Late Latin caritas 'Christian love', from Latin carus 'dear']
an organization that gives money, goods, or help to people who are poor, sick etc
 Several charities sent aid to the flood victims.
charity event/walk/concert etc
(=an event organized to collect money for a charity)
charity organizations in general
 All the money raised by the concert will go to charity .
for charity
 The children raised over £200 for charity.
money or gifts given to help people who are poor, sick etc
 refugees living on charity
 Her pride wouldn't allow her to accept charity .
kindness or sympathy that you show towards other people
 Mother Teresa's works of charity
 Newspaper reports showed him little charity .
charity begins at home
a phrase meaning that you should take care of your own family, country etc before you help other people
1. This school is maintained by a charity.

2. He became enthusiastic over charity.

3. She devolved her life to charity.

4. Our first stop (after parking our cars near the railroad tracks) was in the bargain store of a local charity, where we politely asked access to a bathroom and were refused.
    我们 (把汽车停在火车轨道附近以后)的第一个停留地点是一家本地慈善团体经营的廉价商店,在店里我们彬彬有礼地请求使用洗手间,但却被一口回绝。

5. I also plan to establish a charity fund here to help the poor.

6. I also plan to establish a charity fund here to help the poor.
