

美音:[ə´pɑ:t ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[ə´pɑ:t ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adv.分离,分成零件,分别地,分离着 adj.分开的


apart为高中词汇   词频:1004




part=part(部分),to part(分开)

近义词, 同义词




/ə'pɑ:t; ə`pɑrt/
1 to or at a distance 相距; 相隔
*The two houses stood
500 metres apart. 这两所房子相距500米.
* The employers and the unions are still miles apart, ie are far from agreement. 雇主与工会之间仍有很大距离(远不能取得一致意见).
2 to or on one side; aside 向一边; 在一边
*She keeps herself apart from (ie does not mix with) other people. 她与别人保持距离(不与别人混在一起).
3 separate(ly) 分开; 分离
*You never see them apart these days. 他们近来形影不离.
* He was standing with his feet wide apart. 他站在那儿, 两脚分开的距离很大.
* These pages are stuck together I can't pull them apart. 这几页都粘在一起了--我揭不开.
4 into pieces 成碎片
*I'm sorry, the cup just came/fell apart in my hands. 很遗憾, 这个杯子竟在我手上碎了.
5 (idm 习语) be poles apart => pole1. joking apart=> joke. put/set sb/sth apart (from sb/sth) make sb/sth appear superior or unique 使某人[某事物]显得优越或独特
*His use of language sets him apart from most other modern writers. 他对语言的运用在现代作家中别具一格. a race apart => race. take sb/sth apart criticize sb/sth severely 严厉批评某人[某事物]
*He took my essay apart but I found his criticism helpful. 他把我的文章狠狠地批评了一顿, 但我认为他的批评有好处. take sth apart separate sth into pieces 拆开某物
*John enjoys taking old clocks apart. 约翰喜欢拆卸旧钟. tell/know A and B apart distinguish two people or things; recognize the difference between two people or things 能分辨两个人或两种事物; 能看出两个人或两种事物之间的区别. worlds apart => world.


adv, adj
1【not close/touching】
2【in different pieces】
4【not at same time】
6 fall apart
7 be torn apart
8 be worlds/poles apart
9 grow/drift apart
10 joking apart
11 somebody/something apart
12 set somebody/something apart
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: a part 'to the side']
if things are apart, they are not close to each other or touching each other
two miles/six feet etc apart
 Place the two posts 6 metres apart.
 They have offices in countries as far apart as India and Peru.
 The police try to keep rival supporters apart at all matches.
 A couple of men started fighting and we had to pull them apart .
 Joel stood apart from the group, frowning.
if something comes apart, or you take it apart, it is separated into different pieces
 The whole thing comes apart so that you can clean it.
 They took the engine apart to see what was wrong.
if you keep things apart, you keep them separate from each other
 I try to keep my work and private life as far apart as possible.
if things are a particular time apart, they do not happen at the same time but have that much time between them
two days/three weeks/five years etc apart
 Our birthdays are exactly a month apart.
if people are apart, they are not together in the same place, or not having a relationship with each other
 The children have never been apart before.
 My wife and I are living apart at the moment.
apart from
 He's never been apart from his mother.
fall apart
a) if something falls apart, it breaks into different pieces
 It just fell apart in my hands!
b) if something is falling apart, it is in very bad condition
 He drives around in an old car that's falling apart.
c) if something falls apart, it fails completely
 He lost his job and his marriage fell apart.
 The country's economy is in danger of falling apart.
be torn apart
if a marriage, family etc is torn apart, it can no longer continue because of serious difficulties
 The play portrays a good marriage torn apart by external forces.
be worlds/poles apart
if people, beliefs, or ideas are worlds or poles apart, they are completely different from each other
 I realized we were still worlds apart.
grow/drift apart
if people drift or grow apart, their relationship slowly becomes less close
 Lewis and his father drifted apart after he moved to New York.
joking apart
used to say that you want to say something seriously
 Joking apart, they did do quite a good job for us.
sb/sth apart
except for someone or something
 The car industry apart, most industries are now seeing an improvement in their economic performance.
set sb/sth apart
to make someone or something different from other people or things
 Her unusual lifestyle set her apart as a child.






释义:Modern transcription of ANANTA