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assume为短语/超纲词汇   词频:912


名词:assumer 动词过去式:assumed 过去分词:assumed 现在分词:assuming 第三人称单数:assumes 副词:assumably 形容词:assumable


ad-=to,at,for 表示方向、变化、完成、附加、增加、开始,或只表加强的重要字首 变化型 ab-,ac-,af-,ag-,al-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at-

近义词, 同义词



/ə'sju:m; [US] ə'su:m; ə`sum/
1 [Tn, Tf, Tnt] accept (sth) as true before there is proof 假定; 假设; 设想; 以为
*We cannot assume anything in this case. 在这种情形下我们无法作任何揣测.
* I am assuming that the present situation is going to continue. 我认为目前的情况将会继续下去.
* We must assume him to be innocent until he is proved guilty. 尚未证实他有罪, 就得假定他是清白的.
* We can all leave together assuming (that) the others aren't late. 我们大家可以一起走--假定其他人不耽搁的话.
2 [Tn] put on or display (sth) falsely; pretend 装作; 装出; 假装
*assume ignorance, indifference, an air of concern, etc 假装不知情, 装作不在乎, 假意关心等
* The look of innocence she assumed had us all fooled. 她装出清白无辜的样子把我们都愚弄了.
3 [Tn] begin to act in or exercise (sth); undertake; take on 开始从事; 承担; 担任; 呈
*assume office 就职
* He assumes his new responsibilities next month. 他下月承担新任务.
* The problem is beginning to assume massive proportions, ie become very great. 问题越来越大了.


v [T]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin;Origin: assumere, from ad- 'to' + sumere 'to take']
to think that something is true, although you do not have definite proof
= presumeassume (that)
 I didn't see your car, so I assumed you'd gone out.
it is/seems reasonable to assume (that)
 It seems reasonable to assume that the book was written around 70 AD.
 I think we can safely assume (=it is almost certain) that interest rates will go up again soon.
let us/let's assume (that)
(=used when thinking about a possible event or situation and its possible results)
 Let us assume for a moment that we could indeed fire her. Should we?
 When it got to midnight and Paul was still not back, I began to assume the worst (=think that the worst possible thing had happened) .
assume control/responsibility etc
formal to start to have control, responsibility etc or to start in a particular position or job
 Whoever they appoint will assume responsibility for all financial matters.
 He assumed power in a bloody coup in 1990.
 Jim Paton will assume the role of managing director.
assume a manner/air/expression etc
formal to behave in a way that does not show how you really feel, especially in order to seem more confident, happy etc than you are
= put on
 Andy assumed an air of indifference whenever her name was mentioned.
to start to have a particular quality or appearance
= take on
 These relationships assume great importance in times of crisis.
 The problem is beginning to assume massive proportions .
to be based on the idea that something else is correct
= presupposeassume (that)
 The theory assumes that both labour and capital are mobile.
 Coen's economic forecast assumes a 3.5% growth rate.
1. Because people assume "you are what you say you are", they talk a lot to become acquainted with each other.

2. We cannot assume anything in this case.

3. We always assume that villagers in remote places are friendly and hospitable.

4. We always assume that villagers in remote places are friendly and hospitable.

5. Although many people assume that balance and movement problems are inevitable with age, an increasing body of evidence demonstrates that exercise can help improve balance and strength in elderly individuals and reduce their chance of falling.

6. Assume for a moment that your 90-year-old mother has recently suffered a stroke.

7. So what should you do? We´ll assume that you have sorted out the basics----like mortgages, pensions, insurance and access to sufficient cash reserves.

8. Some women assume that their husbands will somehow put things right.

9. Let's assume they come from the "unconscious." This is reasonable, for psychologists use this term to describe mental processes which are unknown to the individual.
