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believe为中学词汇   词频:273


名词:believer 动词过去式:believed 过去分词:believed 现在分词:believing 第三人称单数:believes

近义词, 同义词


suppose  surmise  think  trust  distrust  doubt  suspect    


/bɪ'li:v; bɪ`liv/
1 [Tn, Tw] feel sure of the truth of (sth); accept the statement of (sb) as true 相信(某事物)的真实性; 认为(某人)的话属实
*I believe him/what he says. 我相信他[他的话].
* I'm innocent, please believe me. 我是无辜的, 请相信我吧.
* I'll believe it/that when I see it, ie Until I have evidence, I remain sceptical. 我亲眼见到才能相信(尚无证据, 我仍有怀疑).
* I'm told he's been in prison, and I can well believe it, ie it doesn't surprise me. 有人对我说他进过监狱, 我完全能够相信这一点.
2 [Tf, Tw, Tnt] think (perhaps mistakenly); suppose 认为, 以为(容或有误); 设想
*People used to believe (that) the world was flat. 过去人们以为地球是扁的.
* Nobody will believe what difficulty we have had/believe how difficult it has been for us. 谁也想像不到我们遇到了什么样的困难[这对我们来说一直是多么困难].
* They believed him to be insane. 他们认为他疯了.
* I believe it to have been a mistake. 我认为这一直就是错的.
* Mr Smith, I believe, ie I presume you are Mr Smith. 我想您就是史密斯先生吧.
* `Is he coming?' `I believe so/not.' `他来吗?'`我想他来[不来].'
3 [I] have religious faith 具有宗教信仰
*He thinks that everyone who believes will go to heaven. 他认为凡是信神者都将进天堂.
4 (idm 习语) be,lieve it or `not it may sound surprising but it is true 信不信由你
*Believe it or not, we were left waiting in the rain for two hours. 信不信由你, 我们冒雨一直等了两个小时. be,lieve (you) `me I assure you 我向你保证
*Believe you me, the government won't meddle with the tax system. 我向你保证, 政府绝不会干预税收制度的. give sb to believe/understand => give1. lead sb to believe => lead3. make believe (that...) pretend 假装
*The boys made believe (that) they were astronauts. 男孩儿们假扮成航天员. Cf 参看 make-believe (make1). not be,lieve one's `ears/`eyes be unable to believe that what one hears or sees is real because one is so astonished 惊讶得无法相信所见所闻是事实. ,seeing is `believing (saying 谚) one needs to see sth before one can believe it exists or happens 眼见为实. ,would you be`lieve (it)? (expressi


[Language: Old English;Origin: belefan, from lyfan, lefan 'to allow, believe']
[T not in progressive]
to be sure that something is true or that someone is telling the truth
 You shouldn't believe everything you read.
 I believed him, even though his story sounded unlikely.
believe (that)
 I don't believe he's only 25.
 I don't believe a word of it (=I think it is completely untrue) .
[T not in progressive]
to think that something is true or possible, although you are not completely sure
believe (that)
 Detectives believe that the victim knew his killer.
it is believed (that)
 It is believed that the house was built in 1735.
believe so
(=think that something is true)
 'Have they arrived yet?' 'Yes, I believe so.'
be believed to be sth
 At 115, Mrs Jackson is believed to be the oldest person in the country.
 The four men are widely believed (=believed by a lot of people) to have been killed by their captors.
 Did you honestly believe that I'd be stupid enough to do that?
 I firmly believe that the business will be a success.
it's difficult/hard to believe (that)
used when you are surprised that something is true
 Sometimes, it's hard to believe we've been married for 50 years.
spokencan't/don't believe sth
used when you are very surprised or shocked by something
 I can't believe he's expecting us to work on Sunday as well!
 I couldn't believe it when he told me what had happened.
can hardly/scarcely believe sth
 I could scarcely believe my luck.
spokenbelieve it or not
used when you are saying something that is true but surprising
 He enjoys school, believe it or not.
spokenwould you believe it!
orI don't believe it!
used when you are surprised or angry about something
 And then he just walked out. Would you believe it!
spokenbelieve (you) me
used to emphasize that something is definitely true
 There'll be trouble when they find out about this, believe you me!
spokenyou'd better believe it!
used to emphasize that something is true
spokendon't you believe it!
used to emphasize that something is definitely not true
spokencan't believe your eyes/ears
used to say that someone is very surprised by something they see or hear
spokenif you believe that, you'll believe anything
used to say that something is definitely not true, and that anyone who believes it must be stupid
spokenseeing is believing
orI'll believe it when I see it
used to say that you will only believe that something happens or exists when you actually see it
to have a religious faith
 She says those who believe will go to heaven.
make believeatmake1 (19)
believe in / [believe in sb/sth] phr v
to be sure that someone or something exists
 Do you believe in God?
to think that something is effective or right
 I don't believe in all these silly diets.
believe in doing sth
 The school believes in letting children learn at their own pace.
to trust someone and be confident that they will be successful
 The people want a President they can believe in.
 You've got to believe in yourself, or you'll never succeed.
WORD CHOICE: believe, believe in
If you believe something, you think it is true. If you believe someone, you think they are telling the truth : Nobody believed what I said. |I didn't do it - you've got to believe me!
Use believe in to mean
that you think something exists : Do you believe in God?
that you think that something is good : He doesn't believe in private education.
that you think someone is good and will achieve good things : My mother always believed in me.