

美音:[bəuld ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[bəuld ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.大胆的 n.粗体


bold为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4419


名词:boldness 副词:boldly 形容词比较级:bolder 最高级:boldest

近义词, 同义词



/bəʊld; bold/
adj (-er, -est)
1 confident and brave; daring; enterprising 自信和勇敢的; 大胆的; 有进取心的
*a bold warrior 无畏的战士
* bold plans, tactics, etc 大胆的计划、战术等
* a bold scheme to rebuild the city centre 重建城市中心的大胆规划.
2 (dated 旧) without feelings of shame; immodest 无耻的; 无礼的
*She waited for him to invite her to dance, not wishing to seem bold. 她等他邀请她跳舞, 而不愿显得失慎.
3 clearly visible; distinct; striking; vivid 显而易见的; 轮廓清楚的; 突出的; 生动的
*the bold outline of a mountain against the sky 天空衬托出山的清楚轮廓
* bold, legible handwriting 醒目而清楚的字体
* She paints with bold strokes of the brush. 她用雄健有力的笔触绘画.
4 printed in thick type 用粗体印刷的
*The headwords in this dictionary are in bold type. 本词典的词条用的是粗体字.
5 (idm 习语) be/make so bold (as to do sth) (fml 文) (esp in a social situation) dare (to do sth); presume or venture (to do sth) (尤指于社交场合)冒昧地(做某事), 擅自(做某事)
*One student made so bold as to argue with the professor. 有个学生真冒失, 竟然和教授争论起来. (as) bold as `brass very cheeky; impudent 厚颜无耻的
*He walked in, bold as brass, and asked me to lend him 50! 他走进来, 厚颜无耻地要我借给他50英镑! put on, show, etc a bold front try to appear brave and cheerful in order to hide one's true feelings 竭力表现出勇敢和快乐以掩盖自己的真实感情.


adj comparativeboldersuperlativeboldest
5【printed letters】
6 make/be so bold (as to do something)
7 if I may be so bold
[Language: Old English;Origin: beald]
not afraid of taking risks and making difficult decisions
 In a surprisingly bold move , he is threatening court action against the company.
 My aunt Flo was a bold determined woman.
 He had the ability to take bold imaginative decisions.
so confident or determined that you sometimes offend people
 You should be feeling confident and bold when you meet your bank manager.
 She marched into his office as bold as brass (=very confident and not showing enough respect) .
very strong or bright so that you notice them
 bold geometric shapes
 Stripes are bold, bright, and fun to wear.
 bold colours
written or drawn in a very clear way
 an envelope addressed to her in a bold black hand
 The graphics are bold and colourful.
 The print should be bold and easy to read.
printed in letters that are darker and thicker than ordinary printed letters
 All the headings are in bold type.
make/be so bold (as to do sth)
formal to do something that other people feel is rude or not acceptable
 I see that you have been so bold as to ask for food at this late hour.
if I may be so bold
BrE spoken formal used when asking someone a question, to show that you are slightly annoyed with them
 Tell me, if I may be so bold as to ask, precisely what you are talking about.
1. The bold would come outside to watch them go past and got just as much pleasure out of the tourists as the tourists got out of the village.

2. Soldiers must be very bold.
