

美音:[brʌʃ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[brʌʃ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.刷子,毛刷,画笔 vt.刷,掸,拂


brush为小学词汇   词频:3941


形容词:brushy 名词:brusher 动词过去式:brushed 过去分词:brushed 现在分词:brushing 第三人称单数:brushes

近义词, 同义词

be clean  clean  cleanse  rinse  wring  flush  full  wipe  mop  sponge  scour  swab  scrub  brush  wash  lave  launder  purify  purge  expurgate  clarify  refine  filter  filtrate  drain  strain    


clean  remove  rub  wipe    


/brʌʃ; brʌʃ/
1 [C] implement with bristles of hair, wire, nylon, etc set in a block of wood, etc and used for scrubbing, sweeping, cleaning, painting, tidying the hair, etc (用鬃毛、金属丝、尼龙等制造的)刷子, 画笔, 毛笔
*a `clothes-brush 衣刷
* a `tooth-brush 牙刷
* a `paintbrush 画笔
* a `hairbrush 发刷. =>illus 见插图.
2 [sing] act of brushing 刷
*give one's clothes, shoes, teeth, hair a good brush 把自己的衣服、鞋、牙齿、头发好好刷一刷.
3 [sing] light touch (made in passing) (经过时)轻触
*He knocked a glass off the table with a brush of his coat/arm. 他的大衣[手臂]把桌上的玻璃杯碰掉了.
4 [C] fox's tail 狐狸尾巴. =>illus at App
1 见附录1之插图, page iii.
5 [U] land covered by small trees and shrubs; undergrowth 灌木丛地带; 矮树丛
*[attrib 作定语] a brush fire 灌木丛火灾.
6 [C] ~ with sb short unfriendly encounter with sb; quarrel 与某人有小冲突; 争吵
*a brush with the law/police 轻微的触犯法律[与警方有小冲突]
* She had a nasty brush with her boss this morning. 今天早晨她跟老板大吵了一顿.
7 (idm 习语) tarred with the same brush => tar1.

/brʌʃ; brʌʃ/
1 [Tn] use a brush on (sb/sth); clean, polish, make tidy or smooth with a brush 用刷子刷(某人[某物]); 刷乾净; 刷亮; 刷整齐; 刷顺
*brush your clothes, shoes, hair, teeth 刷你的衣服、鞋、头发、牙齿.
2 [Cn.a] put (sth) into a particular state with a brush 把(某物)刷成某种状态
*brush one's teeth clean 把牙齿刷乾净.
3 [Tn] touch (sb) lightly in passing 经过时触及(某人)
*leaves brushing one's cheek 拂着面颊的树叶
* His hand brushed hers. 他的手碰到她的手.
4 (phr v) brush against/by/past sb/sth touch sb/sth lightly while moving close to him/it 接近某人[某物]时轻轻相碰
*She brushed past him without saying a word. 她经过时碰了他一下, 一句话也没说.
* A cat brushed against her leg in the darkness. 黑暗中, 一只猫蹭着了她的腿. brush sb/sth aside push sb/sth to one side; pay little or no attention to sb/sth 把某人[某事物]推在一边; 漠视某人
*The enemy brushed aside our defences. 敌人冲破了我们的防御工事.
* He brushed aside my objections to his plan. 我反对他的计划, 他不予理会. brush sth away/off remove sth (from sth) with or as if with a brush (从某事物上)刷去(或好像刷去)某事物
*brush mud off (one's trousers) 把(裤子上的)泥土刷掉
* He brushed the fly away (from his face). 他把苍蝇(从脸上)赶走. brush oneself/sth down clean oneself/sth by thorough brushing 把自己[某物]刷乾净
*Your coat needs brushing down. It's covered in dust. 你的大衣需要刷乾净, 上面满是灰尘. brush off be removed by brushing 被刷掉
*Mud brushes off easily when it's dry. 泥土乾後容易刷掉. brush sb `off (infml 口) refuse to listen to sb; ignore sb 不理会某人; 漠视某人
*He's very keen on her but she's always brushing him `off. 他非常喜爱她, 但她总是不理睬他. brush sth up/brush up on sth study or practise sth in order to get back a skill that was lost 重温, 重新练习(已荒疏的技巧)
*I must brush up (on) my Italian before I go to Rome. 我去罗马以前必须把意大利语重温一下.
1. Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush.

2. Then he gave his brush another gentle sweep, and looked at the result, as before.

3. The brush continued to move.

4. Tom swept his brush artistically back and forth — stepped back to note the effect — added a touch here and there — criticized the effect again.

5. Tom gave up the brush with reluctance in his face, but eagerness in his heart.

6. Quickly we slid into the brush and then watched.

7. He took up his brush and went calmly to work.

8. And Polly (波莉), my grandmother, who perfected a brush to clean the inside of a water tap.

9. After a few canvas stokes , the artist reapplies his brush to his palette for more paint.

10. "Did you brush your teeth?"
