

美音:[´keıbəl ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´keıbəl ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.电缆,海底电报,缆,索 v.打(海底)电报


cable为中学词汇   词频:3353


名词:cabler 动词过去式:cabled 过去分词:cabled 现在分词:cabling 第三人称单数:cables

近义词, 同义词


cord  rope  telegraph  wire    


/'keɪbl; `kebl/
1 [C, U] (length of) thick strong rope made of fibre or wire, used esp for tying up ships 绳缆, 绳索(尤指系船用的).
2 [C] rope or chain of an anchor 锚索; 锚链.
3 [C] (as a nautical measure) one tenth of a nautical mile, about
200 yards 链(海上测距单位, 等于十分之一海里, 约200码). =>App
5 见附录5.
4 [C]
(a) set of insulated wires (esp one laid underground or on the bottom of the sea) for carrying messages by telegraph (用以通电报的)绝缘导线; (尤指)地下电缆, 海底电缆.
(b) (also cablegram) message sent abroad in this way 电报
*send sb/receive a cable 拍给某人[接收]电报. Cf 参看 telegram.
5 [C] set of insulated wires for carrying electricity overhead 架空电缆.

(a) [I, Ipr] ~ (to sb) (from...) send a cable to sb abroad 给海外某人拍发电报
*Please write or cable. 请来信或来电.
(b) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tf] inform (sb) by cable 给(某人)拍发电报
*Don't forget to cable us as soon as you arrive. 别忘了一到就给我们打个电报.
(c) [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) send (money, a message, etc) by cable 用电报汇(款); 打电报传送(信息)
*News of his death was cabled to his family. 他的死讯已电告其家属.
1. But a single optical fiber with a diameter of less than half a millimeter can carry more information than a large cable made of copper wires.

2. Broadly speaking, however, the superhighway refers to the union of today's broadcasting, cable, video, telephone, and computer and semiconductor industries into one large all-connected industry.

3. The truck used a cable to tow the car.

4. That leaves private industry — computer, phone, and cable companies — to move into the vacuum left by the government's absence.
    这就使得私人企业 -- 电脑公司、电话公司、有线电视公司 -- 得以填补由于政府无法顾及所留下的空缺。

5. Fiber-optic cable, for example — made up of hair-thin glass fibers — is a tremendously efficient carrier of information.
    例如,光纤电缆 -- 由细如发丝的玻璃纤维制成 -- 是一种极为高效的信息载体。
