

美音:[kən´teın ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[kən´teın ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vt.包含,容纳,容忍 vi.自制 v.[军]牵制(敌军) v.[数]可被...除尽


contain为高中词汇   词频:585


动词过去式:contained 过去分词:contained 现在分词:containing 第三人称单数:contains 形容词:containable


tain,ten,tin=to hold,to keep(安静)

近义词, 同义词


comprise  consist-of  control  curb  hold  include  involve  restrain    


/kən'teɪn; kən`ten/
v [Tn] (not in the continuous tenses 不用于进行时态)
1 (a) have or hold (sth) within itself 包含; 含有
*The atlas contains forty maps. 这地图集共有四十幅地图.
* Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol. 威士忌所含酒精的百分比很高.
* What does that box contain? 那个盒子里装的是什么?
* Her statement contained several inaccuracies. 她的言词有几处不确切.
(b) be capable of holding (sth) 可容纳(某事物)
*This barrel contains
50 litres. 这个桶容量为50升.
2 (a) keep (sth/oneself) under control; keep within limits; hold back 控制(某事物[自己]); 抑制; 克制
*I was so furious I couldn't contain myself, ie had to express my feelings. 我气极了, 无法克制自己.
* Please contain your enthusiasm for a moment. 请你暂且控制住感情.
* She could hardly contain her excitement. 她抑制不住内心的激动.
(b) prevent (sth) from spreading harmfully or becoming more serious 阻止(某事物)的蔓延或恶化
*Has the revolt been contained? 叛乱是否已受到遏止?
3 (geometry 几) form the boundary of (sth) 作(某事物)的边
*the angle contained by two sides of a triangle 三角形两边的夹角.
4 (mathematics 数) be capable of being divided by (a number) exactly 可被(某数)除尽; (某数)可整除:
12 contains 2, 3,
4 and
6 12可被2、3、4、6除尽.


v [T]
4【control feelings】
5【stop something】
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin: contenir, from Latin continere 'to hold together, hold in, contain', from com- ( COM-) + tenere 'to hold']
if something such as a bag, box, or place contains something, that thing is inside it
 The thieves stole a purse containing banknotes.
 The museum contains a number of original artworks.
if a document, book, speech etc contains something, that thing is included in it
 The letter contained information about Boulestin's legal affairs.
be contained in/within sth
 The proposed changes are contained in a policy statement.
if a substance contains something, that thing is part of it
 This product may contain nuts.
to control strong feelings of anger, excitement etc
 Jane couldn't contain her amusement any longer.
contain yourself
 He was so excited he could hardly contain himself.
to stop something from spreading or escaping
 Doctors are struggling to contain the epidemic.
 measures aimed at containing political opposition
technical to surround an area or an angle
 How big is the angle contained by these two sides?