

美音:[kə:s ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[kə:s ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.诅咒,咒语,祸根,祸因 vt.诅咒,咒骂,降祸,使受罪




名词:curser 动词过去式:cursed/curst 过去分词:cursed/curst 现在分词:cursing 第三人称单数:curses

近义词, 同义词



/kɜ:s; kɝs/
1 [C] impolite or obscene word or words used to express violent anger 咒骂语
*angrily muttering curses 愤怒地低声咒骂.
2 [sing] word or words spoken with the aim of punishing, injuring or destroying sb/sth 咒; 咒语
*The witch put a curse on him, ie used a curse against him. 女巫念咒诅咒他.
* be under a curse, ie suffer as a result of a curse 遭受诅咒
* lift a curse, ie cancel it 解除咒语.
3 [C] cause of evil, harm, destruction, etc 祸根; 祸由
*the curse of inflation 通货膨胀的祸害
* Gambling is often a curse. 赌博往往是个祸根.
* His wealth proved a curse to him. 他的财富到头来害了他.
4 the curse [sing] (dated infml 旧, 口) menstruation 月经; 行经
*I've got the curse today. 我今天来月经了.

/kɜ:s; kɝs/
1 (a) [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (at sb/sth) utter curses (curse1 2) (against sb/sth) 诅咒(某人[某事物])
*to curse and swear 咒骂
* He cursed (at) his bad luck. 他诅咒自己运气不好.
* I cursed her for spoiling my plans. 我诅咒她坏了我的事.
(b) [Tn] use a curse(curse1 2) against (sb/sth) 念咒语诅咒(某人[某事物])
*The witch-doctor has cursed our cattle. 巫医念了咒语想叫我家的牛遭殃.
2 (phr v) be cursed with sth be afflicted with sth, esp habitually; have the stated bad thing 受某事物之害(尤指经常); 为某事物所苦
*be cursed with bad health, a violent temper, bad luck, etc 因身体有病、脾气暴躁、命运不好等而吃苦头.
1. Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
