

美音:[dı´veləp ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[dı´veləp ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vt.发展,发达,发扬,进步,逐步展开(情节,音乐主题,方程式等)洗印,显影 vi.发展,生长,发育,逐步显示出来


develop为中学词汇   词频:411


动词过去式:developed 过去分词:developed 现在分词:developing 第三人称单数:develops 形容词:developable


velop=to wrap(包;裹)


advance  flourish  grow  mature  progress  decay  decline    


/dɪ'veləp; dɪ`vɛləp/
1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sb/sth) (from sth) (into sth) (cause sb/sth to) grow gradually; become or make more mature, advanced or organized (使某人[某事物])发展, 发育, 成长, 发达
*The child is developing well. 这孩子发育良好.
* The plot for the novel gradually developed in my mind. 我逐步构想出小说的情节.
* The argument developed into a bitter quarrel. 这场辩论逐渐变成了激烈的争吵.
* We've developed the project from an original idea by Stephen. 我们根据斯蒂芬的设想制定了这个计划.
* The place has developed from a fishing port into a thriving tourist centre. 这地方由原来的渔港发展成一个繁荣的旅游胜地.
2 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become noticeable, visible or active (使某事物)出现, 明显化, 显露, 变得活跃
*Symptoms of malaria developed, ie appeared. 疟疾的症状出现了.
* The car has developed signs of rust, ie is becoming rusty. 这辆汽车出现了锈迹.
3 (photography 摄)
(a) [Tn] treat (an exposed film) with chemicals so that the picture can be seen 冲洗(已曝光的底片); 使(已曝光的底片)显影
*take a film to be developed 将胶卷送去冲洗.
(b) [I] (of the image on an exposed film or plate) become visible (指底片上的图像)显影.
4 [Tn] use (land) for the building of houses, etc and so increase its value 在(土地)上建筑房屋等; 开发(土地)
*The site is being developed by a London property company. 这块地正在由伦敦的一家地产公司开发利用.


2【new idea/product】
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: French;Origin: développer, from Old French voloper 'to wrap']
【GROW】 [I and T]
to grow or change into something bigger, stronger, or more advanced, or to make someone or something do this
 Knowledge in the field of genetics has been developing very rapidly.
 Corsica has developed its economy around the tourist industry.
develop into
 Chicago developed into a big city in the late 1800s.
develop from
 It's hard to believe that a tree can develop from a small seed.
 exercises to develop muscle strength
to design or make a new idea, product, system etc over a period of time
 Scientists are developing new drugs to treat arthritis.
 She should have developed her own style instead of copying him.
 Researchers are developing technology for the US military.
to start to have a feeling or quality that then becomes stronger
 He had developed a certain affection for me.
develop a sense/awareness/knowledge of sth
 The children are beginning to develop a sense of responsibility.
 It was in college that he developed a taste for (=started to like) rugby football.
if you develop a skill or ability, or if it develops, it becomes stronger or more advanced
 The course is designed to help students develop their speaking skills.
【DISEASE】 [I and T]
if you develop a disease or illness, or if it develops, you start to have it
 Some alcoholics develop liver disease.
 Pneumonia can develop very quickly.
to begin to have a physical fault
 The oil tank had developed a small crack.
 The plane developed engine trouble and was forced to land.
if a problem or difficult situation develops, it begins to happen or exist, or it gets worse
 Trouble is developing in the cities.
develop into
 Regional clashes could develop into larger quarrels.
to make an argument or idea clearer, by studying it more or by speaking or writing about it in more detail
 We will develop a few of these points in the seminar.
【LAND】 [T]
to use land for the things that people need, for example by taking minerals out of it or by building on it
 We would like to see the land developed for low-cost housing.
to make a photograph out of a photographic film, using chemicals
 Did you ever get the pictures developed ?
1. * chemists to develop insecticides to kill the adult mosquito and its young, and researchers to develop drugs to treat malaria sufferers;
    * 化学家开发杀虫剂来消灭蚊子的成虫和幼虫,研究人员开发药品来治疗疟疾患者;

2. But it was left to scientists of our own time to develop powerful killers of these hateful micro-organisms.

3. But, of 277 udder cells he fused with egg cells, only 30 began to develop into embryos.

4. It cannot judge distances, depths. Later, for its personal safety and practical needs, it has to develop (partly by means of touch) the ability to judge roughly three-dimensonal distances.

5. When one seriously studies the social orders that have had the opportunity to develop autonomously, the figure becomes no more than an exact and matter-of-fact observation.

6. This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop very quickly.

7. This tradition of guaranteeing anonymity began to develop quickly.

8. This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop very quickly.

9. The life forms most likely to develop on a planet would be bacteria.

10. The oceans began to develop an enormous system of living things, with many diverse forms of life, all dependent on one another.
