

美音:[´edət ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´edət ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vt.编辑,校订,剪辑 n.编辑工作


edit为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3905


动词过去式:edited 过去分词:edited 现在分词:editing 第三人称单数:edits


ex-=out of,fully 变化型 a-,e-,ec-,ef-,es-,iss-,s-

近义词, 同义词


amend  check  correct  revise  rewrite    


/'edɪt; `ɛdɪt/
v [Tn]
1 prepare (a piece of writing, often another person's) for publication, eg in a book, newspaper, or magazine 编辑
*edit a Shakespeare play for use in schools 编辑一部莎士比亚剧本供学校使用
* edit a book of poetry 编辑一本诗集.
2 be responsible for planning, directing and publishing (a newspaper, magazine, etc) 主编(报纸、杂志等).
3 prepare (a film, tape recording, radio or television programme, book, etc) by putting together collected parts in a suitable sequence 剪辑(电影、录音磁带、无线电或电视节目、书等).
4 arrange (data) for processing by a computer (用计算机)编辑(数据).
5 (phr v) edit sth out (of sth) remove (unwanted words, phrases, etc from a book, script, etc) in the process of editing 在编辑过程中删除(书、手稿等中的不必要的词语等)
*They must have edited bits of the interview out. 他们一定是把这次采访的一部分删掉了.


[Date: 1700-1800; Origin: editor]
[I and T]
to prepare a book, piece of film etc for printing or broadcasting by removing mistakes or parts that are not acceptable
 The newspaper edits letters before printing them.
to prepare a book or article for printing by deciding what to include and in what order
 a collection of essays edited by John Gay
to prepare a film by deciding what to include and in what order
to be responsible for the information that is included in a newspaper, magazine etc
 She used to edit the Observer.
edit out [edit sth⇔out] phr v
to remove something when you are preparing a book, piece of film etc for printing or broadcasting
= cut
 The interviewer's questions have been edited out.