

美音:[fɛə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[fɛə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.费用,旅客,食物 vi.遭遇,进展,进步,经营,过活


fare为中学词汇   词频:4780


名词:farer 动词过去式:fared 过去分词:fared 现在分词:faring 第三人称单数:fares


fare=to go(走)

近义词, 同义词


charge  eat  fee  get-on  passenger  progress  prosper  thrive  toll    


/feə(r); fɛr/
1 money charged for a journey by bus, ship, taxi, etc (公共汽车、轮船、计程车等的)票价
*What is the bus fare to London? 到伦敦的公共汽车费是多少?
* travel at half/full/reduced fare 半价[全价/减价]票旅行
* economy fares 经济舱票价.
2 passenger who pays a fare, esp in a taxi (付费的)乘客; (尤指)计程车的乘客.

/feə(r); fɛr/
n [U] food, esp when offered at a meal (used esp with the adjs shown) 食物; (尤指)饭菜(尤与下列形容词连用)
*fine, simple, wholesome fare 很好的、简单的、有益健康的食物.

/feə(r); fɛr/
v [I] (fml 文) progress; get on 进展; 过日子
*How did you fare (ie What were your experiences) while you were abroad? 你在国外时好吗(感受如何)?
1. What is the bus fare to London?

2. While meters don't always show the true fare (dishonest drivers sometimes adjust them to advance faster), it is seldom cheaper to rely on the driver to quote a fare.

3. When a fare does turn out to be more than you expected, think about your options.

4. This in turn pushes up the program cost, estimated at about $3,800, including air fare.
    这样就增加了留学的费用,加上飞机票,估计费用大约为3,800 美元。

5. The lower class yellow and white taxis have no meters, so be sure to negotiate your fare before you depart.

6. His "never-ask-the-fare" policy works like this.

7. One is to negotiate the fare before you get into the car.

8. Often what you think is a dishonest fare is actually the sum of legal extra charges.
