

美音:[fəuld ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[fəuld ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.折,羊栏,折痕,信徒 vt.折叠,包,合拢,抱住,笼罩,调入,交迭 vi.折叠起来,彻底失败


fold为小学词汇   词频:5870


动词过去式:folded 过去分词:folded 现在分词:folding 第三人称单数:folds 形容词:foldable

近义词, 同义词


bend  church  enclosure  pen  unfold    


/fəʊld; fold/
1 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) bend or turn sth so that one part of it lies on another; close or flatten sth by pressing two parts of it together 摺叠; 摺叠收拢
*fold clothes (up) neatly 把衣服叠整齐
* a folded newspaper 摺叠起来的报纸
* The bird folded its wings. 那鸟收起了翅膀.
* Fold the letter (in two) before putting it in the envelope. 把信(对)摺起来再装入信封.
(b) [I, Ip] ~ (up) be able to be bent for storage, easy carrying, etc 能够摺叠(以便储存、携带等)
*This garden table folds (up) flat. 这张庭园茶点桌可以摺叠成平的.
* a folding chair, bed, bicycle, etc 能摺叠的椅子、床、自行车等. =>illus 见插图.
2 [Tn.pr] ~ A in B/~ B around A cover or wrap sth in sth 将某物用另物遮住或包住
*Fold this glass bowl in newspaper/Fold newspaper round this glass bowl. 把这个玻璃盆用报纸包好.
3 [I, Ip] ~ (up) (infml 口)
(a) cease to function; stop trading 停止运行; 停业
*The company folded (up) last week. 那家公司上星期倒闭了.
(b) cease to be performed 停止上演
*The play folded within a fortnight. 那话剧演了两个星期就停演了.
4 (idm 习语) fold one's `arms bring one's arms together and cross them over one's chest 双臂在胸前合抱. fold sb/sth in one's arms hold sb/sth closely 抱住某人[某物]
*Father folded the tiny child in his arms. 父亲把小孩儿抱在怀里. fold one's `hands bring or clasp one's hands together, eg when praying 十指交叉合掌(如祈祷时).
5 (phr v) fold (sth) away (cause sth to) become more compact for storage by folding (使某物)摺叠收拢(以便存放)
*The bed folds away (into the wall). 那张床可以摺叠收拢(到墙里面去). fold sth in; fold sth into sth (in cooking) mix one ingredient gently with another, usu with a spoon (烹饪)轻轻搅拌(通常用勺)
*Fold in the beaten whites of two eggs. 加进两个打散的蛋清後搅匀. fold up collapse because of pain or great laughter (因痛苦或大笑)倒下
*The boxer folded up in agony. 那拳击手痛苦地倒下了.
* The comedian had the audience folding up. 那个喜剧演员逗得观众笑得前仰後合.

1 part of sth, esp fabric, that is folded or hangs as if folded 摺叠的部分; (尤指)褶
*a dress hanging in loose folds 有宽松褶的连衣裙.
2 mark or line made by folding; crease 摺痕; 摺线.
3 hollow among hills or mountains 山坳; 山谷; 山窝.
4 (geology 地质) bend in the line of rocks below the earth's surface that has been caused by movements in the earth's crust 褶皱.

/fəʊld; fold/
1 [C] area in a field surrounded by a fence or wall where sheep are kept for safety 羊栏.
2 the fold [sing] group of people with the same (usu religious) beliefs 具有同一信仰(通常为宗教信仰)的人们.
3 (idm 习语) return to the fold => return1.
1. Each fold in the skirt should be exactly the same width.
