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foreign为中学词汇   词频:626



近义词, 同义词


alien  external  domestic  home  interior    


/'fɒrən; [US] 'fɔ:r-; `fɔrɪn/
1 (a) of, in or from a country or an area other than one's own 外国的
*foreign languages, goods, students 外国语、外国货、外国学生.
(b) dealing with or involving other countries 外交的; 涉外的
*foreign affairs 外交事务
* foreign policy 外交政策
* foreign trade 对外贸易
* foreign aid, ie money, etc given by one country to another in need 外国的援助.
2 ~ to sb/sth (fml 文) not belonging naturally to sb/sth; alien to sb/sth; uncharacteristic of sb/sth 非某人[某事物]所固有的; 与某人[某事物]的本性相异
*Dishonesty is foreign to his nature. 他的本性与弄虚作假格格不入.
3 (fml 文) coming or introduced from outside, usu by accident 来自外界的(通常指意外地)
*a foreign body (eg a hair or speck of dirt) in the eye 眼中的异物(如毛发或灰尘).


[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin: forein, from Latin foris 'outside']
from or relating to a country that is not your own
 foreign students
 Can you speak any foreign languages?
 the success of foreign companies in various industries
 I thought she sounded foreign.
 transactions in foreign currencies
[only before noun]
involving or dealing with other countries
 America's foreign policy
foreign investment/trade etc
 Foreign competition provides consumers with a greater variety of goods.
 our budget for foreign aid (=financial help to countries in need)
 the Chinese Foreign Minister
be foreign to sbformala)
to seem strange to someone as the result of not being known or understood
= be alien to somebody
 The language of finance and economics is quite foreign to me.
b) to be not typical of someone's usual character
 Aggression is completely foreign to his nature .
foreign body/matter/object
formal a piece of dirt, glass, or other material that has got inside something, especially someone's body, and that should not be there
 cells that are designed to attack and destroy foreign bodies
1. Even as a child, the sight of exotic trees, foreign maps and descriptions of tropic zones had moved me to tears, for I had a longing for a homeland for my soul."

2. Every year the United States is host to an average of 78,000 foreign high school level students, of which 3,000 are Brazilian.

3. Evidently, culture shock is something you cannot avoid when living in a foreign country.

4. But people who are cut off not only from foreign tourists, but even from their own countrymen can be hostile to travellers.

5. But few foreign graduates came home to "pay their pledge", as Nehru had put it.

6. While discount rose retailers watch their business bloom, U.S. rose growers are going bankrupt amid severe foreign competition.

7. The Premier gave an audience to the foreign ambassador.

8. This hospital has been equipped by your foreign comrades.

9. The court has no jurisdiction over foreign diplomats living in this country.

10. The study of a foreign language is necessarily difficult.
