

美音:[´fə:ðə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´fə:ðə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.更远的,更多的,深一层的 vt.促进,增进,助长 adv.更进一步地,更远地,此外


further为高中词汇   词频:510


名词:furtherer 动词过去式:furthered 过去分词:furthered 现在分词:furthering 第三人称单数:furthers

近义词, 同义词


advance  aid  beyond  farther  over  past  promote  hinder    


/'fɜ:ðə(r); `fɝðɚ/
1 more distant in space, direction or time; farther (空间、距离或时间上)更远的, 较远的
*The hospital is further down the road. 医院在这条路上, 再往前走就到了.
2 additional; more 附加的; 更多的
*further volumes 後续各卷
* Have you any further questions? 你还有问题吗?
* There is nothing further to be said. 没有再多说的了.
* The museum isclosed until further notice, ie until another announcement about it is made. 博物馆现正闭馆, 开馆时间另行通知.

1 at or to a greater distance in space or time; more remote; farther (在时间或空间上)距离更大地, 更远地
*It's not safe to go any further. 再往远走就不安全了.
* Africa is further from England than France. 非洲距离英国比距离法国远.
* Think further back into your childhood. 想想你更小的时候, 回忆一下你的童年.
2 in addition; also 此外; 而且
*Further, it has come to my attention... 此外, 我已注意到...
3 to a greater degree or extent 进一步地
*I must enquire further into this matter. 我要进一步调查此事.
* I can offer you 50, but I can't go any further than that. 我可以付给你50英镑, 不能再多了.
4 (idm 习语) far/farther/further afield => afield. =>Usage at farther 用法见farther.

v [Tn] help the progress or development of (sth); promote 促进或推动(某事); 增进
*further sb's interests 提高某人的兴趣
* further the cause of peace 推动和平事业.